CORTNEY profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Cortney, NOT Courtney. I have no filter, and i'm too impulsive. I have a close-knit family and a million cousins. I have 3 sisters who are my favorites and a crazy brother, Connie. I love them more than anything, bitches. I'm very short. I'm afraid of commitment. Ketchup is the love of my life, along with Jennifer Lopez. I have weird OCD and i hate it. I don't listen to anyone. I'm a firm believer in karma, fate, retail therapy, and doing whatever makes you happy. I don't think you should throw out pictures. I don't like driving. I always have sex hair. I never wear makeup. I'm a major beach bum. I love being tan. I'm always laughing. Sometimes I snort when I laugh .. i've almost come to terms with that. I have no rhythm but I try. I adore affectionate people, sleepovers, and genuine compliments. I would happily live without: winter, salt, soda, the words "bestest", "prolly" & "lil", butter, rudy h.'s, club music, christmas, yellow teeth, the common cold, clowns, passive aggressiveness, negative people, original bubblegum, brown gravy, fleece, cigarettes, wrists and collarbones, homophobia, when people cant get over things, boys with girlfriends, pimples, workboots (unless for function), girly dudes. North Jersey is looking better and better (still miss everyone in Brick + the beach3). : )

My Interests

i ♥ the beach .. shopping .. tattoos .. my family .. summer .. friendly people .. NJ .. being harassed at the diner .. Gus .. sweet cheeba .. The Olsens .. the babiesss .. WHITE ZIN .. lions .. laughing until i want to puke and die .. our "special hello's" .. Tunnel Vision .. Shortney and Snortney .. karma .. weddings - but not marriage .. leaders NOT followers .. starbucks .. doing nails .. black olives and pickles .. eskimo kisses .. Feathers .. margaritas .. being independent .. flip flops & shoes in general .. Italian or Irish .. the 80's .. Frankie's Franks .. Peter Pan .. big guys .. raspberry smirnoff vodka and screwdrivers; yum .. lactaid pills .. nice smiles .. going on dates .. b&w pictures .. food shopping at nite .. sweatpants .. TRUE GENTLEMEN .. dimples .. diet green tea .. original nintendo .. burt's bees chapstick .. reliable people .. nicknames .. the NO S.I.R. and the IHL Club .. paying it forward (not the movie) .. The C&J Show .. tan lines .. kisses .. butterflies in my belly .. little kids .. walking .. board games .. bowling .. free drinks .. when people fall down .. Surf Taco .. TCBY .. brown eyes .. clicking with people .. text messages - mostly due to my severe anxiety about calling people .. people with open minds .. drinking more water than anyone should .. screaming into the pillow the next morning .. soy milk .. Jamie taking pictures of me in the bathroom .. when people spell my name correctly .. nice surprises .. proper grammer .. carbs .. taking pictures .. when people sit on my feet .. astrology and tarot cards .. the Yankees .. good music/movies .. dying/cutting hair .. anything pink or yellow .. gelati .. craft/cookie parties with my family .. funny people

I'd like to meet:

, - the guy from Love Actually who loves his friends wife, the cop who gave me a ticket during my birthday week, anyone with a big heart and an open mind. And more people like the ones below...

Edit video .. at onetruemedia.comwebshots - COC178122


Bruce Springsteen - The Beatles - Rod Stewart - Echo Screen :) - Michael Jackson - The Rolling Stones - Elvis - Weezer - John Mellencamp - 80's hair bands - the Starting Line - motown - oldies - and everything else .. literally


mob, comedy, scary, disney, 80's, comic book .. i like every movie ever


americas next top model, boy meets world, Days of our lives, family guy, futurama, GREYS, grounded for life, Jeopardy, Laguna Beach, Law and order svu, miami ink, nip/tuck, oprah, saved by the bell, simpsons, strangers with candy, what i like about you, wheel of fortune .. and anything with surgery


astrology books, Summer Sisters, Who Put that Hair in my Toothbrush?I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4


my nonnie & granny,

My Blog


The next time you're out eating at a resturant, look at your server. Do you think they are really happy to be doing that job? The answer is no, they are not, but it's what we do, and we do it for the ...
Posted by CORTNEY on Thu, 09 Mar 2006 04:29:00 PST

nothing like some taco bell and chuck norris quotes

Chuck Norris' tears cure cancer. Too bad he has never cried. Chuck Norris does not sleep. He waits. Chuck Norris does not hunt because the word hunting infers the  probability of failure. Chuck...
Posted by CORTNEY on Sat, 18 Feb 2006 11:18:00 PST