CURRENT MOON about the moon
I am the Moon, the lesser of the Great Lights in the sky. In ancient story and myth, I have most often been considered female, but sometimes I shine as male lover and inspiration to Earth's women. A few of the many Goddess names I go by . . . Luna and Diana from Rome, Artemis and Selene from Greece, Innana from Sumer, Heng-O from China, the Mayan Goddess Ix Chel, the Aztec Coyolxauhqui. Some Moon Gods include Amen and Khons from Egypt, the Ugaritic Yarikh, the Hindu Soma, the Sumerian Sin and Nanna, and Tsuki-Yomi from Japan. I am represented by the horns of many animals, most especially cattle, and upon the crowns and clothing of many of my devotees. Any horned god, goddess, or religious figure wears the horns of the moon. I guess you could say, I am horny. You can see my horns on images of Isis, the Virgin Mary, Moses, Dionysus, and many other important mythical and historical figures.
I am also the boat without a rudder in the sky that provides sacred journeys to those I love. I delivered Mary Magdalene to her new home on the coast of France two millenia ago. And I am the guardian of the dead, for they come to stay in my slivery abode.
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
Every human, on every evening. I want to be seen by the people of the Earth in the way of the old days, when calendars, festivals, days of rest, holy days and agriculture were all determined by my cycle, my light, and my dark.