Financial Wellness Evaluation
Take this one minute evaluation to find out how close you are to financial freedom.-
How many years do you have remaining on your first mortgage?
25 or more years
20-25 years
15-20 years
10-15 years
less than 10 years
I don't have a mortgage
How many years do you have remaining on your second mortgage?
10 or more years
less than 10 years
I don't have a 2nd mortgage
How much credit card debt do you have
Over $20,000
Between $15,000 and $20,000
Between $10,000 and $15,000
Between $5,000 and $10,000
Less than $5,000
I don't have any credit card debt
How much do you owe on vehicle loans? (Do not count leases)
Over $20,000
Between $10,000 and $20,000
Less than $10,000
I don't have a car payment
I lease my vehicle
How much do you owe on student loans?
Over $20,000
Between $10,000 and $20,000
Less than $10,000
I don't have any student loans
How much do you owe on any other loans?
Over $5,000
Under $5,000
I don't have any other loans
Below 5 points: Congratulations! You are well on your way to financial freedom! While ADE® may help you, you probably don't need it.
Between 6 and 20 points: You should consider the ADE® program. You could be eligible to save tens of thousands of dollars in interest and become completely DEBT FREE in record time.
Over 20 points: Contact us right away at for a free, no obligation consultation on how you can become debt free with the ADE® program.