"When there is nothing left to burn, you have to set yourself on fire." I am that guy in the corner that you know and everyone knows or at least they think. I was a kid. You were a kid. Oh, God. We were all kids. As I grow older, so do the wrinkles and the bias creep in. I have often wondered if a sword could bring peace, and I ask myself that at least three times a day when I watch the news and listen of the Middle East. My pants are Republican and my tennis shoes are Democrat. I’ve taken this lunacy as far as it will go. Maybe one day you and I and the big guy in the chair can scream "laissez faire" at the top of our lungs and just declare things for what they are. You know, we’re all kids right now. You were and you are and you will be. The only difference being. What have you seen? What have you seen? The things your eyes have seen. How have they changed you? I have been changed twenty-seven times and will never be the same person again. This is why I do not have a definite second birthday, for the uninitiated. I waited for His booming Shakespearean voice one day but instead received the blank appearance of the ceiling with the fan that is one day going to break. The ceiling that I could only see because I forgot to turn off the porch lights. I remember the ceiling that I could see with the fan that was going to break and I remember Him and our conversation. And the tears. I remember you and I and our friends and our friend’s friends and how we all held hands that one day in the presence of falling autumn leaves so we could push our pieces of plywood down the hill. I watched the pieces of plywood rolling down and cracking. So that day I decided my purpose was not to put others down. But instead to bring them up and challenge them and their beliefs. Not to make me feel better or to give money to a building and rich white men in suits in their air-conditioned four-wheel cages and conditioned smiles. I am often the walking contradiction that hates hypocrisy. But will you fight with me as I strive for the better? I want to challenge you and your friends and your friend’s friends and challenge my own beliefs. So we can all go have coffee and remember why we’re here for this wisp of air that is a lifetime lasting far shorter than we see it. Let us go drink of the fountain. Forgive me, dear friend. I tend to be too emotional and happen blow things out of proportion approximately 74.89352% of the time. I have failed lots of people and have fractured their hearts by accident along the way. Could you drag my red wagon back to the scene of the crime so I can apologize? Thank you. At least I know where I'm going and I know there's more to life than this. But I'm a flawed human being that’s not there yet; so brace with me for the bumpy ride home. You know me even though I may not know you. Or maybe vice versa. Yeah, that's me. I'm John. And might I say that it's very nice to meet you.
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
C.S. Lewis. Sufjan Stevens. Donald Miller. You.
My Blog
Dear sons and daughters of hungry ghosts.
"Gimme! It's mine." It has always been funny to me how we store photo albums four different ways and make "back-ups" upon "back-ups" and think that then and onl... Posted by on Sun, 08 Oct 2006 22:30:00 GMT
Remember the weight of the world it's a sound that we used to buy.
So I'm reading Blue Like Jazz. I'm thinking I wish that I wrote it first; because it scares me how I feel like Donald Miller knows my thoughts, struggles, and ... Posted by on Sun, 27 Aug 2006 22:36:00 GMT
Subterranean homesick alien.
"I'm not from around here." Who at one point or another has not said or thought this? Tell me with a straight face that you have not done so, and I shall call yo... Posted by on Fri, 21 Jul 2006 22:41:00 GMT