Currently working on my career; I thank God everyday for what he has given me in my family and friends! Everyone who wants to follow the PATH has to rid himself of the compulsion to possess and hold on to things. Try not to have any material things on which to focus your power, but focus it on the SPIRIT, on the true flight into the UNKNOWN, not trivialities.
I would love to meet Beautiful, Intelligent, Sexy, and Successful women! I want to surround myself with positive people since the world is full of negativity. I am looking for People that are strictly business during the day and Rock Stars at night!
I will listen to most kinds of music; my favorites are House, Trance, Drum N Bass, as well as classic rock, and jazz; my favorites are Led Zeppelin and Art Pepper!mspmb src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" quality="high" scale="noscale"
Favorite movies; Boiler Room, the Hustler, Rebel without a Cause, Groundhog Day.
Currently LOST has caught my attention, also any kind of news program.
My favorite Author: Carlos Castaneda; read it, open your mind!
Jesus Christ, My Father, My Grandparents, and My Lawyers! FIGHT THE SYSTEM, because if you don't it will Fight YOU! Always question Authority because it most certainly will Question YOU!
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