Just a little catch up... |
Yeah thats right.. blogtime.. *boogies*All is well!! Uni is back in full swing... after a few wobbly panic attacks I am back on my feet!! I'm not doing a dissertation but a 90 minute screenplay instea... Posted by Pigeon on Fri, 12 Oct 2007 08:09:00 PST |
The big bad world... |
So... the big bad world I hear you ask... you're a damn student what you talking about!! I'm talking about my current predicament... I have no money.. I have just moved back home after my sister thoug... Posted by Pigeon on Thu, 14 Jun 2007 03:27:00 PST |
2nd Year of Uni.. complete..kinda. |
So,I'm not very good at this blogging lark.. I don't update nearly as much as I should.. but well... you know!!! Um.. Skiing was a lot of fun... some stress and a lot of thinking going on. Something d... Posted by Pigeon on Wed, 30 May 2007 02:32:00 PST |
Things that have been going on... |
So... today I woke up at 3:30pm.... Seems I have the ability to sleep through my alarm and all my lectures... joy! I ache like nobodies business as I spent all day yesterday skiing in Milton Keynes at... Posted by Pigeon on Tue, 20 Mar 2007 10:37:00 PST |
Its been a while... |
So.. its been a while since I last blogged so here's a whistle stop tour of the last few months of my life....Uni: Grand!! All is going swimmingly! Essays are being done in good time (not the ni... Posted by Pigeon on Thu, 07 Dec 2006 05:54:00 PST |
Back in Pompey! |
Yeah.. back in Portsmouth!! Lifes pretty good.. house is empty apart from me which is a bit odd and the Boy has been jetting off to see Pearl Jam and going off home so it's been a tad lonely but Nicho... Posted by Pigeon on Thu, 14 Sep 2006 06:25:00 PST |
Friends... |
So yeah another blog.. I blame Henry... that little blogging whore!! Hehe! He put up a new one and I suddenly thought ooh.. maybe I should too!!So yeah I've now seen my new house.. and it's love... Posted by Pigeon on Tue, 05 Sep 2006 06:39:00 PST |
Back to Uni... |
So yeah, Summer Holidays are almost over.. and back to University I go!! Now don't fret I'm still in Dorking for another week so if you have a desperate need to see me.. I'm here!! But yeah I go see m... Posted by Pigeon on Wed, 30 Aug 2006 08:57:00 PST |
Play and Summer! |
So yeah!! The Summer is here! Well it was.. now it's raining again.. oh the charm of British Summers!! Anywho life... life is good!!Play Festival was amazing! I mean really really amazing!! 5 da... Posted by Pigeon on Mon, 10 Jul 2006 01:38:00 PST |
Oooooooooh..YEAH! |
Sooo whats up? So far a very interesting few months since the last blog! First and foremost.. I'm happy!! No longer am I all meh-ey I'm happy happy!I've got myself a lovely boy (god knows how.. but I... Posted by Pigeon on Wed, 26 Apr 2006 08:45:00 PST |