Pigeon profile picture


The Pigeon Wigeon .... Oooh yeah!

About Me

Hello... my name is Pige/Pigey/Pigeon/Claire.. I am a 20 year old Portsmouth University Student going through the rather stressful final year.. I am writing a 90 minute screenplay instead of a dissertation... but woo!! If you can draw.. help meeeeeee!!

I tend to spend most of my time being rather bouncey and silly and unserious.. I dance in tescos.. I play copious amounts of video games.. I watch anime.. I play with fire.. I love Pete &hearts and I love all my friends and family and hell... maybe... just maybe I love you too!

Love love nachos and cheeeeeeese!!


My Interests

Anime,Fire poi and staff,Martial arts and computer games!

I'd like to meet:

Um.. Hayao Miyazaki, Steve Tyler, Lee Evans.


Oh jeez.. old rock n roll... and new rock n roll.. and some random stuff too!! Aerosmith are favourites.. theres also Biffy Clyro, Bowling for Soup, Def Lep, Eagles, Foos, Greenday, Hoobastank, Incubus, Kelly Clarkson, KT Tunstall, Led Zep, Michael Jackson, Offspring, Smashing Pumpkins, Stone Temple Pilots,Thin Lizzy, The Used.


Ooooooh Jesus! There are way to many...


Malcolm in the Middle, Futurama, Simpsons, Family Guy, Scrubs, Lost.. yeah all those kinda shows!


Anything by Kathy Reichs, James Patterson, Christopher Brookmyre.


My Daddy!!

My Blog

Just a little catch up...

Yeah thats right.. blogtime.. *boogies*All is well!! Uni is back in full swing... after a few wobbly panic attacks I am back on my feet!! I'm not doing a dissertation but a 90 minute screenplay instea...
Posted by Pigeon on Fri, 12 Oct 2007 08:09:00 PST

The big bad world...

So... the big bad world I hear you ask... you're a damn student what you talking about!! I'm talking about my current predicament... I have no money.. I have just moved back home after my sister thoug...
Posted by Pigeon on Thu, 14 Jun 2007 03:27:00 PST

2nd Year of Uni.. complete..kinda.

So,I'm not very good at this blogging lark.. I don't update nearly as much as I should.. but well... you know!!! Um.. Skiing was a lot of fun... some stress and a lot of thinking going on. Something d...
Posted by Pigeon on Wed, 30 May 2007 02:32:00 PST

Things that have been going on...

So... today I woke up at 3:30pm.... Seems I have the ability to sleep through my alarm and all my lectures... joy! I ache like nobodies business as I spent all day yesterday skiing in Milton Keynes at...
Posted by Pigeon on Tue, 20 Mar 2007 10:37:00 PST

Its been a while...

So.. its been a while since I last blogged so here's a whistle stop tour of the last few months of my life....Uni: Grand!! All is going swimmingly! Essays are being done in  good time (not the ni...
Posted by Pigeon on Thu, 07 Dec 2006 05:54:00 PST

Back in Pompey!

Yeah.. back in Portsmouth!! Lifes pretty good.. house is empty apart from me which is a bit odd and the Boy has been jetting off to see Pearl Jam and going off home so it's been a tad lonely but Nicho...
Posted by Pigeon on Thu, 14 Sep 2006 06:25:00 PST


So yeah another blog.. I blame Henry... that little blogging whore!! Hehe! He put up a new one and I suddenly thought ooh.. maybe I should too!!So yeah I've now seen  my new house.. and it's love...
Posted by Pigeon on Tue, 05 Sep 2006 06:39:00 PST

Back to Uni...

So yeah, Summer Holidays are almost over.. and back to University I go!! Now don't fret I'm still in Dorking for another week so if you have a desperate need to see me.. I'm here!! But yeah I go see m...
Posted by Pigeon on Wed, 30 Aug 2006 08:57:00 PST

Play and Summer!

So yeah!! The Summer is here! Well it was.. now it's raining again.. oh the charm of British Summers!!  Anywho life... life is good!!Play Festival was amazing! I mean really really amazing!! 5 da...
Posted by Pigeon on Mon, 10 Jul 2006 01:38:00 PST


Sooo whats up? So far a very interesting few months since the last blog! First and foremost.. I'm happy!! No longer am I all meh-ey I'm happy happy!I've got myself a lovely boy (god knows how.. but I...
Posted by Pigeon on Wed, 26 Apr 2006 08:45:00 PST