Hammeriver profile picture


About Me

Stretchedjazznoiseandbells. Hammeriver explores, dissects and celebrates the music of Alice Coltrane. The ensemble is led by harpist Clare Cooper and invites guests to join the core groups in Berlin and Sydney.
The current (Berlin based) edition of Hammeriver includes

Clayton Thomas, double bass
Werner Dafeldecker, double bass
Tony Buck, drums and percussion
Christof Kurzmann, electronics
Chris Abrahams, piano
Tobias Delius, saxophone and clarinet
and Clare Cooper, pedal Harp
(Recording from Saal 3 in the old East Berlin Radio Station studios available February 2010)

Australian-based Hammeriver has also included: Matt Earle, electronics, Jim Denley, Reeds, Robbie Avenaim, percussion, Rory Brown, double bass, Jeff Henderson, Baritone Sax, Lloyd Honeybrook, Baritone Sax, Karen Booth, Alto Sax, Daniel Whiting, electronics, Monica Brooks, Accordion, Dave Hibbard, drums and Jaime Fennelly, Harmonium.

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My Interests


Member Since: 02/12/2007
Band Website: http://www.gutstring.net
Band Members:

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Dedicated to the memory of Alice Coltrane

Influences: Alice Coltrane, Indian music, the necks, Tony Williams, Prince, Stasis Duo, Peter Blamey, Jim Denley, Led Zeppellin, AC/DC, Velvet Underground, the Doors, the Stooges, Tony Conrad, Burning Star Core and many more. I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V4.4 (www.strikefile.com/myspace)
Sounds Like:

EN:Situated somewhere between Alice Coltrane and Led Zeppelin, Clare Cooper formed Hammeriver in Australia in 2003 and draws inspiration from Jazz, musique concrète, blues, electro-acoustic improvisation and psychedelic rock. Now based in Berlin, Hammeriver includes musicians from both Europe and Australia who are at the forefront of creative music: Clayton Thomas, double bass (Australia), Werner Dafeldecker, double bass (Austria), Tony Buck, drums (Australia), Tobias Delius (Netherlands), Christof Kurzmann (Austria), and Clare Cooper, Harp (Australia).

DE: Angesiedelt irgendwo zwischen Alice Coltrane und Led Zeppelin, gründete Clare Cooper im Jahre 2003 Hammeriver und bezieht ihre Inspiration hierbei aus dem Jazz. der Musique Concrete, dem Blues, der Elektro-Akustischen Improvisation und dem Psychelischen Rock. Jetzt, in Berlin beheimatet, stzt sich Hammeriver aus Musikern Europas und Australiens zusammen, welche zu den Speerspitzen der Kreativen Musik zählen: Clayton Thomas, akustischer bass (Australien), Werner Dafeldecker, akustischer bass (Österreich), Tony Buck, schlagzeug (Australien), Tobias Delius: saxophon, clarinette (Niederlande), Christof Kurzmann: lloopp (Österreich), and Clare Cooper, Harfe (Australien).
Record Label: Unsigned

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