Addicted 2 Jesus profile picture

Addicted 2 Jesus

About Me

Hello and Welcome
Our deepest Prayer for you is that your Spirit will be moved or inspired by our Ministry.
Addicted 2 Jesus is a Christian Youth Ministry, based in South London, England, formed under Life Changers Church International (LCCI), Pastored by a seasoned man of God, and a man committed to God, Rev. Aaron Boakye Danquah.
A2J was founded in Summer '07, and has been moving from strength to strength.
"God, out of His Divine wisdom and power decided to birth this ministry, for such a time as this." (Esther 4:14)
Addicted 2 Jesus seeks to fulfil all that God has said concerning it and will do all it can by the power of the Holy Spirit to affect individual lives, the community, the nation and evidently the world at large.
"God has a unique plan and purpose for this ministry" (Jeremiah 29:11), and if they remain focused at all times, they cannot fail. God is on their side and they will get to the very end because He is the Alpha and Omega the Beginning & the End.
Following the unprecedented success of their annual youth conference's "IMPACT 07 and Shining Our Light In Darkness 08", A2J have felt obliged as "Children of God" to continue to preach the Gospel (The Good News) to all Nations, and to let the world know that regardless of their situation or circumstances, Jesus Still Loves Them!
"But you are a chosen people, a Royal Priesthood, a Holy Nation, a People Belonging to God, that you may Declare the Praises of Him who called you out of Darkness into His Wonderful Light." 1 Peter 2:9
Addicted 2 Jesus aims to "Save Hearts of Unreached Teens" by IMPACTING moral values into their generation through the art of Music, Mime, Drama, Dance, Poetry and more.
Its all to the Glory of Our Heavenly Father - Jesus Christ!
And We Stand firm in Our Faith and declare today that God has a unique plan for your life!
Stay Blessed & Remain Highly Favoured!
A2J Youth Ministry

My Interests


Member Since: 12/2/2007
Band Website:
Band Members: Life Changers Church International Invites You to Our Worship Service

Sundays 9AM - 12 Noon

Come And Experience A Wonderful Explosion of the Presence of God and the Saving Power of Jesus Christ

Venue: Green Wrythe Primary School
Green Wrythe Lane
Carshalton, Surrey

Buses on Route: S1, 280 Tram Station: Mitcham
For More Information and Prayers, contact us on:
Tel: 0798 942 0509 / 07956547795
Email: [email protected] /
[email protected]


Influences: The Trinity:
The Father | The Son | The Holy Spirit

Action Jackson | Parents | Rev. Aaron Boakye Danquah

Music Influences:
Kirk Franklin | Israel Haughton | Fred Hammond | Bro Oliver

Sounds Like: CONTACT US:
Want someone to talk to on MSN about any issue on your heart please add: [email protected]
Other Online Messengers coming soon (i.e. Yahoo & AIM)

For all other Formal Information & Questions ONLY, Please email: [email protected]

Record Label: Unsigned

My Blog

How We Can Glorify God

Question:What has God given us to show us how we can glorify and enjoy him?Answer:God has given us His Word (the Scriptures) which are made up of both the Old and New Testaments.Scripture:"All Scriptu...
Posted by on Fri, 25 Apr 2008 16:34:00 GMT

What Is God

Question:What is God?Answer:God is a spirit, infinite, eternal, and unchangeable, in his being, wisdom, power, holiness, justice, goodness, and truth.Scripture:"God is spirit, and those who worship hi...
Posted by on Fri, 25 Apr 2008 16:36:00 GMT

The Purpose of Man

Question:What is the purpose of man?Answer:The purpose of man is to glorify God and to enjoy him forever.Scripture:"So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God."-1 Cor...
Posted by on Fri, 25 Apr 2008 16:29:00 GMT