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Kazmina Art Gallery

About Me

Ludmila Kazmina was born on the 14 th of March, 1956 in the city of Kiev. Ludmila took master classes of Russian painting at Anatoliy Krisochenko's workshop. She also studied drawing with Misha Vanstein and Sasha Titov.Ludmila Kazmina has done more than 500 paintings and great number of drawings. Most of them they are in private and state collections all over the world, such as: Ukraine, Russia, Poland, Hungary, Germany, Ausrtia, Switzerland, Sweden, Holland, Denmark, Turkey, Italy, Australia, Canada, USA, Great Britain.... "The most important thing in the work of an artist is to be utmostly sincere. Progress in art is all about getting rid of falsehood inside of you. A lie of any kind slows down the process of one's development. If you are utmostly sincere, the picture "draws itself". All you have to do is watch the general structure and "not get in the way". You can think of, say, outside matters, for instance your childhood memories or whatever. Thoughts come by themselves. Such elusive memories, with such distinctness… you've never thought your memory saved them. It's like an utter transfer into the past. As if time has disappeared and you are there, with all the scents and feelings, touches, everything! And in the meantime you go ..ing. And it comes out great! (In everyday life such memories just don't come!) Monitoring the creative process with your brain ends in messing up your work. Questionless all the technique must be "in your fingers",on the subconscious level, and this means years of hard work". Ludmila Kazmina..___________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ _____ ..

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