listening to the music, makan lolipop, watching movies, singing in a bathroom, dgr org main gitar..
someone who amazingly funny, playful yet serious, psychologist. Nsync, Linkin Park, Pippo, Takuya Kimura n Milo Ventimiglia! ..last one-- i wanna meet my future husband!! Where r u?
All kinds.. =Ã love Nsync, Creed n Linkin Park .. they brighten up my day u know!! muuuuuaaaah!! =) eh lupe..FreQuent Flay'ya.. =)
Pirates Of The Carribean(BEST!! rugi tak tgk!), Serendipity, Finding Nemo, I am Sam, Men of Honour, How to lose a guy in 10 days, Monster Inc, Harry Potter, Fly me to Polaris(sure merah mate..huhu) n etc..
Dragon Ballz, Dik Cerdas, Doraemon, Penyiasat Remaja dan yang paling bez skali, dan lain lain lagi. =P