"Coach You For Success"God, Cooking, My Business, Friends, Animals (2horses, 6 dogs,17 Goats, 5 Cats), 4-H, Church, and anything else that may spark my interest!
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"Coach You For Success"
Who I'd like to meet:
I want to meet people I can relate to.
I want to meet people I can get along with.
I want to meet people with visions.
MLM Burnouts searching for the Truth.
People who wants to become leaders.
People who argues for Prosperity.
People in pursuit of happiness.
A woman who likes smiling is an A+.
Who I don't want to meet:
I don't want to meet whiners.
I don't want to meet lazy people.
I don't want to meet wicked minded people.
People who don't believe in themselves.
People who has an excuse for everything.
People who argues against Prosperity.
People who hates helping others.
I definitely don't want to meet a big time LIAR.
My TIME is valuable so no losers please.
"Coach You For Success" Christian, Classic Rock, Country, Rap, R&B, I am pretty satisfied with anything that I listen to.
"Coach You For Success" Movie Fanatic!!! I like to watch comedies, drama, action, and any other that catches my eye.
"Coach You For Success" Friends, Everyone loves Raymond, Kings and Queens, Monk, Survivor, Ghost Whisper, and a couple other series when I get to watch them.
"Coach You For Success" Ya I am not really that much into reading books unless they help me out. I will read self-improvment books or listen to them on tape. My motto I have a lot of other things I can do with my time like watch grass GROW! or Count the hairs on your head!