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stephanie aubertin

About Me

Hi I'm now 15 yrs old. I was 13 when I recorded this Demo and I had a great time doing so...hopefully I'll get to do it again soon. I have been taking singing lessons now for 6 yrs. I recorded my first Demo CD with Mission Studios. It's called Giving it back (I gave it this title because the CD was done for the people in my tightest circle... All the songs on the CD were requested by them) Although this experience was quite challenging at times it was also very rewarding. I enjoy playing different instruments but my passion is singing. I would like to say thank you to my singing teachers, my music teacher as well as all my friends and family for continuing to support me in making this a wonderful experience.* PLEASE NOTE this page is monitored by an adult

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Member Since: 01/12/2007
Record Label: Unsigned

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