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About Me

.. ..Portugal2night.com ja esta online. Por todo este mes vamos estar a adicionar discotecas, bars, restaurantes, eventos, fotos, videos e ainda guestlists. Inscrevam-se e inscrevam os vossos amigos.Portugal2Night.com...ah nao te esqueças de por fotos senão ninguem te vê...ok???Portugal2Night will allow you to have a profile, start a blog, sign up for guest lists and special events, see who is going to what clubs, bars and events, keep up with what is hot which night. We will allow you to see club photos and be the authority of the Lisbon nightlife scene.We will also have the Portuguese version once we have enough users active on the site. We are looking for 5000 active user to translate it into Portuguese. So tell your friends..Portugal2Night.com...ah nao te esqueças de por fotos senão ninguem te vê...ok???

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