About Me
A 'working sociologist', ahem, gainfully employed by a University in raintown Glasgow, who lives for work, play and little sleep. Seems to die for political intrigue, very sad music, coffee, smiles from strangers, red lips, green tea, taking pictures, cooking, red wine, not shaving, The Field Mice and all things Sarah, twee shirts, mix tapes, live shows by emerging bands, a black tie, reading intimidating books, ROARing, writing bloody awful poetry, crisps, trying to negotiate a run-down fringe and, especially, avoiding the truth. Although mostly loving work, family, 'real life' and the like, it is a humble MP3 blog (and fellow music bloggers) that keeps the sad boy sane and functioning. You might like to visit, if you have a spare moment or two, but, you know, no pressure or anything like that... And Before The First Kiss