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The Charge of The Goddess
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I am usually pretty out going and I have a good sense of humor. I am happily married with 2 great kids and 8 beautiful grandkids. I have 10 cats and 2 dogs. I love animals. I have always had pets... a few strange ones over the years... I've had lizards and snakes and even a black-widow spider. We've raised pheasants, ducks and turkeys. Had rabbits and goats and pigs. Regular old "McDonalds" farm. I am a practicing witch... My family is very supportive but most do not share in my "witchy ways". I have gone into business for myself and I love it. Not punching a time-clock for someone else is great. I am a big time night owl but have had to change my ways just a bit to accomodate working again. I love the outdoors. A weekend in the mountains is my rejuvination. I like camping, hiking, fishing, hunting, any excuse to be outside. I am an avid gardener growing alot of my own vegetables and herbs and of coarse lots of flowers. I love astronomy, the study of how the universe was formed, anything to do with space. My dream come true would be a ride on the space shuttle. Maybe even visit another planet. Maybe I could find my home base...??? I love making new friends and enjoy visiting with people from all over. I like people who are willing to be themselves, no airs, no pretenses, just good old "down-home" folks. If that's you... stop on by any time. We'll kick our feet up and have ourselves a good chat.
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BEFORE TIME WAS... Before time was, there was The One; The One was all , and all was The One. And the vast expanse known as the universe was The One, all wise, all pervading, all powerful, eternally changing. And space moved. The One molded energy into forms, equal but opposite, fashioning The Goddess and The God from The One and of The One. The Goddess and God streched and gave thanks to The One, but darkness surrounded them. They were alone, solitary save for The One. So they formed energy into gasses and gasses into suns and planets and moons; they sprinkled the universe with whirling globes and so all was given shape by the Goddess and God. Light arose and the sky was illuminated by a billion suns. And the God and Goddess, satisfied by their works, rejoiced and loved, and were one. From their union sprang the seeds of all life, and the human race, so that we might achieve incarnation upon the earth. The Goddess chose the Moon as Her symbol, and the God the Sun as His symbol, to remind the inhabitants of earth of their fashioners. All are born, live, die and are reborn beneath the Sun and Moon; all things come to pass there under, and all occurs with the blessings of The One, as has been the way of existence since before time was...
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We are of the old ways, among those who walk with The Goddess and The God and recieve their love. Ever remember that if you would be of our way, keep The Law close to your heart, for it is the nature of The Wicca to keep The Law... 'An it harm none, do what ye will.
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THE WITCH ALONE (By Scott Cunningham)--------------------Beyond the town, beneath the moon, Beside the standing stone. There lives a woman, fair of faith, We call the witch alone. She sings to sun and moon and stars, And gathers herbs and weeds. With which she fashions ancient charms, And other magic deeds. She worships not at altars built, By hands of mortal men. But in the misty glade, Beyond the farthest glen. What need has she of flashing swords, Of crystals glowing bright. Of censors and of colored cords, That grace the Wiccan rite. Her tools are fashioned from the earth, And wind and fire and rain, Her rites are dances wild and free, That call The Gods amain. When Spring and Summer pass to Fall, And twilight fills her eyes, She'll lie upon the browning grass, And smile as she dies. For though she leaves her mortal shell, Of flesh and blood and bone, She knows she does not die but lives, On, as the witch alone...
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THE MAIDEN- is the power of the waxing moon, the force of vitality and growth. Everything awakens to her touch, and she quickens the life-force in all she touches. Her light is the promise of coming fullness and maturity. As a maiden her form is lovely and her energy is delightful in it's purity and innocence, yet there is a clear sense of the underlying power of potential within the maiden.---THE MOTHER- is the power of the Full Moon, the forces of fertility and conception. Everything she touches is brought to fullfillment and completion. The light of the Mother is the promise of enlightenment in the places of darkness, the seed born to light from the darkness that once enveloped it. As a Mother her form is full figured and her energy is drawing and compelling.---THE CRONE- is the power of the waning moon, the forces of preparation and introspection. Everything she touches is brought to examination and evaluation. The light of the Crone is the promise of renewel, the withdrawl of energy into a small focused core from which regeneration occurs. As a crone her form is aged and her energy is contemplative and sage.---THE ENCHANTRESS- is the power of the new or dark moon, the forces of mystery and the obscure. Everything she touches becomes magical and shrouded in mystery. The light of the Enchantress is the potential nature in all things, the source in which manifestation itself generates. As an enchantress her form is sensual and allruing.---THE MOON GODDESS awakens the primal nature and purifies the soul, which is essential for humankind because we have separated ourselves from the flow of Nature. In our attempt to master Nature and selfishly exploit her resources, we have broken faith with the soul of Nature. We have, as a race, abused and forsaken our ancient mother. Yet the Mother still sends the magical light of the moon to fall upon her children of the Earth. (Raven Grimassi)-
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THE GODDESS RHIANNON... This Goddess of horses is said to appear to her followers in royal robes of gold. She is always accompanied by three birds of the Otherworld. The magical song of these birds could lull the living to death, restore the dead to life, and heal all sadness and pain. The beauty of their song suggests the otherworldly beauty of this Goddess. Rhiannin symbolizes the unceasing force of movement, which pulls all of life with it. In the Mabinogion, Rhiannon appeared as an unattainable enchantress dressed in rich gold. Pwyll, the prince of Dyfed, fell in love with the Goddess after spying her riding. He guessed from her ethreal beauty that she was of divine origin but was undaunted. Determined to catch up to her he rode as fast as he could but, no matter how fast he rode or how slowly she rode he was unable to reach her. Finally the humbled prince called to the Goddess to wait for him, which she did. When he asked "Why didn't you stop earlier?" Rhiannon simply replied," Why didn't you ask me?" This story suggests that the ability to create change is always within our reach. Sometimes all we need to do is state our desires-if we are intent enough, transformation is possible.
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