_=-~LaiNeY~-=_ profile picture


♥ Bros: Brian 3 and Cesar twin: Juan! Homies: , Stephanie, Theresa, Elaine, Kathrina and Ruhi

About Me

Layout made by juldancer17 at CreateBlog.com .

as of: Dec. 21, 2006

M Mischievous
A Angry
D Desperate
E Edgy
L Legendary
A Altruistic
I Inspirational
N Naughty
E Equalitarian

L Luscious
A Awesome
I Insured
R Relaxed
E Equalitarian


A Altruistic
I Insane
N Neat
E Exhausting
Y Yucky
What Word In The Acronym Best Describes Me?

Create your own friendquiz here

I like people who were really outgoing, you know, funny and have self-confidence… I don’t like people who discriminate other people’s races, because they seems, .. snobbish..
Other than that, I’m not really picky on who my friends are, because most of my friends were really kind, and …… I don’t know how to describe them, but they're the best..
@~~~- @~~~- @~~~-

Main Characters:
Girl : Vanessa Hudgens
Boy: Zac Efron
Boy's GF : Ashley Tisdale
Portrayed Love
by: Lainey
She’s sitting very lonely in her bed
Trying to get him out of her head
Feeling Sorry for all the tears that she shed
She can never forgive him from what his actions said
She knew that it’s her fault that this is where it led.
They were walking side by side one day
When he stopped abruptly and told her that
she can go on her way She asked him why he stopped short
He said he have something important to sort;
She watched at him walk away
And convinced herself that maybe today wasn’t the day.
The next few days, he have been distant
But she wants to find out why
She’s very consistent
Then she saw him talking to a girl
Next thing she knew, he gave the girl a whirl
She knew that they weren’t meant to be
So she gave up on him and let them be
What her mind’s telling her is something she has to agree
Her imaginations of them have to flee.
They never spoke again until then
But when she saw him, he told her he have to leave again
It hurts so much that she can’t tell him how she felt
And thinks that he cared for her, but only as a friend
So she just cried and let him see her on a happy pretend
He knelt in front of her and told her he have something to attend
But they both knew that with his girlfriend is where the night should be spent.
She tried to look at him without any emotions revealing itself
Because she knew that she has to tell him what she felt herself
Taking the risk, she kissed him full of passion and longing
This move made him on prolonging
He looked so shocked when she pulled away,
This wasn’t how she imagined he reacts, and she was on dismay
She started to stand up, and walk away from him
But he snapped back to his senses when he sees the room is dimmed
He knew that he made the biggest mistake of his life,
She was the one, the one he needs as his wife
He ran out of the room trying to look for her
But because of the tears running down his eyes, everything was a blur.
When she walked away, she knew where the only place she can stay
The poor girl went home and cried all the emotions she felt for him
But then she heard a knock on her door, to her dismay
What she saw is the last thing she expected
He was there standing, and on his hands is a bouquet
She is really confused, and then he stepped forward, and kissed her away
All of her sorrows where forgotten,
He was hugging her for support when her knees weaken
And when he looked at her eyes,
He knew it was just like kindergarten.
He broke up with his girlfriend that night,
And confessed his love for her, with all his might
She was crying the whole time, never expected him to feel this way about her
And then she told him, “It’s a good thing I made that risk”, this is what she prefer.
They stayed together until their school years,
Then one day, he came home late, on their date, he didn’t appear
She was frustrated because of his action
He just kissed her and told her that everything is aright, this is her distraction
He took a velvet box and looked into her eyes with care, love and passion
He knelt in front of her, and told her, that he won’t let her go
He asked her “Will you spend the rest of your life with me?” his em
otions show. She just nodded, didn’t know what to say
This was too much for her, and she’s very happy that together, they stayed
Then she realized that their love for each other will always be portrayed.

My Interests

Music Video: GOIN' CRAZY (by Natalie)

I'd like to meet:


1. Name: Madelaine Claire

2. Middle Name: Sibayan

3. State: California

4. Place of Birth: San Jose City, Ph

6. Male or Female: Female

7. Bus: no buses

8. School: jls middle school

9. Occupation: student

10. Initials: MCSB

11. Screen Name: LaineyAqua05

.. Your Appearance : .

12. Hair Color: dark brown, but mostly black

13. Hair Length: mediumish

14. Eye color: dark brown

15. Best Feature: dunno

16. Height: 5'0"

17. Braces?: no

18. Glasses?: nope

19. Shoe size? 5 1/2 - 6

20. Diploma?: yea

. : Your Firsts : .

22. First best friend: Staphanie Capule

23. First Award: Honor? nursery

24. First Sport You Joined: badminton

25. First thing you did today?: play music from my cp

26. First Real vacation: LA

27. First thing you said today: Where r u goin?

28. First Love: none

. : Favorites : .

29. Movie: dont have one, cuz if i like the movie 2day, im not gonna like it 2morrow

30. TV Show: TRL

31. Color: yellow green/ blue/ violet & pink

32. Rapper: Gloc-9

33. Place to get groceries: Longs, sumtimes

34. Food: Filipino food or Asian

35. Season: Winter

36. Candy: m2m (many 2 mention)

37. Sport: badminton

38. Restaurant: m2m

40. Store: Island Pacific

41. School Subject: Algebra I

42. Animal: border collie

43. Book: not much of a reader

44. Magazine: seventeen, cosmo girl

. : Currently : .

45. Doing before you started this survey: watching movie

46. Feeling: bored

47. Wearing: shorts and shirt

48. Crying about: none??

49. Eating: candy

50. Drinking: fanta

51. Typing: this survey?!

53. Listening To: na-nana-na

54. Thinking about: this survey, isnt it obvious?

55. Wanting: to learn violin

56. Watching: the fast and the furious: tokyo drift

. : Future : .

57. Where do you see yourself in 5 years: college?

58. Kids: maybe...adopted? lol :)

59. Want to be Married: dunno

60. Career in Mind: no clue

. : Which is Better with the Opposite Sex : .

63. Hair color: light brown

64. Hair length: not too long...

65. Eye color: i like color light blue

66. Measurements: taller than me, but not too tall

67. Cute or sexy: dunno

68. Lips or Eyes: eyes

69. Hugs or Kisses: too lazy to think about it

70. Short or Tall: taller than me

71. Easygoing or serious: both

72. Romantic or Spontaneous: again, lazy to think

73. Good or Bad: y would any body want a bad person? Duh~!

74. Sensitive or spontaneous? both

75. Hook-up or Relationship: AGAIN, too lazy to thkin... (LOL)

77. Trouble Maker or Hesitant One: both

. : Have You Ever : .

78. Kissed a Stranger: nope

79. Had major surgery: no...

80. Gone commando: huh?

81. Ran Away From Home: no..

82. Broken a bone: maybe

83. Got an X-ray: everytime that im in th denstist

84. Been on a cruise: no

85. Broken Someone's Heart: yea, unfortunately

86. Dumped someone: yea

87. Cried When Someone Died: no..

88. Cried At School: luckily, no

. : Do You Believe In : .

89. God: yea, im christian

90. Miracles: kinda

91. Love at First Sight: nah..

92. Ghosts: so much, cuz i really seen one

93. Aliens: no?

94. Soul Mates: not rily

95. Heaven: im christian, the yea

96. Hell: likewise

97. Answered prayers: so-so

98. Kissing on The First Date: maybe

99. Horoscopes: not really, but sometimes

100. Is there someone you wish you had? no..

1. Last thing that you burned while attempting to cook?

-- rice :)

2. Describe yourself in 3 " S" words: --

3. How long does it take you to get ready for your daY?

-- maybe... 30 minutes, w/ shower, of course

5. How many people have you thought were "the one"?

-- none?

6. What is something that turns you off from the opposite sex?

-- over confident? and arrogant

7.What kind of car do you drive?

-- i don't drive yet.. but i want a sports car

8. What's in your stereo right now?

-- i dont have a stereo but im listening to my cellphone

9. WhO's the celebrity would you like to have coffee with?

-- iono, depends, local or international?

10. Who's celebrity would you never want to have coffee with?

-- bea alonzo *peace*

11. What kind of toothpaste do you use?

-- colgate

12. What time do you go to bed?

-- 11-12pm

13. Last movie you saw?

-- return to halloween town

14. Last TV show you watched?

-- pinoy dream accademy

16. Who in your family do you best get along with?

-- my second sis

18. What time is it right now?

-- 8 AM exact

19. Are you planning a vacation / travel?

-- yea..

20. When / where was the last time you traveled?

-- april 26, lst year

21. How many times have you been in love?

-- none

22. How old will you be in 10 years?

-- 23...

24. Sinful snacking weakness...

-- ice cream

26. Ever run out of gas?

-- i don't drive lolz

27. Ever been on a train?

-- yes

28. Ever been on a blind date?

-- nah

29. Ever been to Europe?

-- no but i want to

32. Ever been arrested?

-- no.. and i dont think i want to be

33. Have a crush on anyone you work with?

-- no... maybe?

34. What is something you believe in?

-- GOD--- christian..

35. What is something that you fear?

-- ohh.. rats, i would do anything to get them away from me.. i even hate pics of them..

37. What is the worst physical pain you have experienced?

-- i forgot...

38. What is your favorite television show?

-- crazy for you, captain barbell, atlantika, bubble gang

39. Ever Photoshopped yourself to look better in a picture?

-- no.


01. should you be doing something else right now?

- yea

02. if so, what?

- cleaning or homework? neither.. im too lazy to do anythin right now.

03. are you excited for valentine's day?

- uhh no

04. do you have a cell phone?

- 2X yes..

05. if so, do you use it a lot?

- only cuz i like listening to my songs in my itunes phone

06. how about your own phone in your room?

- yes

07. what are some things you may want to major in for college?

- i don't know but somethin that doesnt involve opening peoples body, for operation.. i cant stand it..

08. how many ex's have you had?

- 10?

09. how many kisses?

- ~ secret~

10. do you wear foundation?

- nah

11. if you were given any three wishes right now, what would they be? .

- iono, buy a new house w/ everythin in it? even a mall. lol

- make my grades higher..

- meet a lot of people, and have more friends,, i guess

12. are you superstitious?

- in a way

13. when was the last time you cried?

- last year.

14. what was the saddest movie you've ever seen?

- all my life... the only movie i felt sorry for..

15. do you cry when you watch sad movies?

- i dont cry watching movies

16. when was the last time you went to the movie theaters?

- last month?

17. what's your favorite kind of crackers?

- i forgot the name,

18. cookies?

- chips-ahoy, and oreo

19. do you own a digital camera?

- yes

20. what's the most expensive piece of clothing you own?

- my pants and shirts

21. how many pillows do you have on your bed?

- five

22. how many stuffed animals do you have?

- 15.. i guess..

23. what's ONE all-time-favorite movie?

- hahaa.. iono

24. what's your favorite song at the moment?

- IOU- new ridaz

25. do you like sappy love movies?

- huh?

26. if you were given a chance to go to only ONE place in the entire world and live there for the rest of your life, where would it be?

- europe / new york

27. and why?

- views and shopping

28.describe yourself in 3 words:

- A Proud Filipino

29. what was the last board game you played?

- chess?

30. name one band that you like:

- linkin park. i just like some of their songs

31. do you own a britney spears cd?

- no..

32. do you own a backstreet boys cd?

- i dont know dem

33. did you like any of them AT ALL?

- uh.. no?

34. do you own expensive perfume?

- iono.. i never check d price tags wen im buying sumthin

35. if so, what?

- iono..

36. do you wish you lived by the beach?

- sometimes

37. name one place youd rather be right now.

- london

38. would you die for love?

- i'm not sure

39. do you think that you have to reach a certain "age" to understand what love is?

- nope

40. Do you think some people think that age matters in love?

- yeah

41. name ONE hot celeb.

- Chirstian Bautista.. and he have a very good voice..2

42. how many times in your life would you say youve been really depressed?

- none

43. how many times in your life would you say youve been in love?

- none

44. if you were given a chance to do either painting for the rest of your life or acting for the rest of your life which would you choose?

- paiting, but only if imma improve

45. do you sometimes just wish you could fast forward time?

- no

46. do you like to take pictures?

- yea

47. how often do you update your xanga?

- i don't have xanga, but myspace and friendster, and i update it 2X a day

48. how often do you go shopping?

- once every 2 weeks

49. when was the last time you received something in the mail?

- lat week

50. when was the last time you gotten angry at someone?

- ysterday

Step Up - Senior Showcase


I like listening to hip-hop and r& b songs....
sometimes it's not only hip-hop, but fast songs also...



I watch Filipino shows sometimes when i don't have anything to do..
But most of the time, I'm either in "on-demand",MTV, or in Disney Channel and NIckelodeon...




..ter/doll/doll_61.gif" ..

My Blog


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IN THE ENDKikyo - In the End(It starts with)One thing / I don't know whyIt doesn't even matter how hard you tryKeep that in mind / I designed this rhymeTo explain in due timeAll I knowtime is a valuab...
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Have You Ever?

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Walk Away

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Posted by ~LaiNey, I <3 him!~ on Thu, 28 Dec 2006 02:11:00 PST