get your snoopin, no life havin ass off my fucking page. you dont know me, and you dont wanna fucking know me. i dont give a shit about you. and most likely he doesnt give a shit about you. so move the fuck on you stalkerific hoes!yeah you heard the name. i'm probably no stranger to you. i go to shows and id like to dance till the day i die. you can find me here: for the most part im very outspoken and friendly. so if you see me, dont be intimidated. come say hi. my lrg sidekick 3 happens to be my best friend. its not glued to my hand but its very handy indeed. i have only a handful of the closest people to my heart. i wouldnt change them for the world. im broke. so i you're a millionaire come make me rich. if you can help me id greatly appreciate it. i would like to get tattoos in the near future. i would like to stretch my ears but they have been stuck at 6's for a few months [wtf mate]. if you play the drums [coughBRUCEcough] teach me, thank you. i want to take over the world. i want my own fucking tv show with the closest of closest i have. and last but certainly not least, go and do this: [email protected] || xjuelzinthepitx
i cannot live without music. without it i think my heart would stop beating. TGIW! yes a fucking W. if its not wawa, its most likely dookie. SSX Tour runs my fucking life. so do some fighting games. im a candy junkie. so if you've got plenty of that, we're gonna be the best of friends. local bands have always been great. ive learned a whole lot from going to shows and i think without them i dont think i would've developed into the better person I am. part of being a better person is my ex philip, and he has done everything he could in his power to keep me going. even though things didnt work out i love him through it all. jaybii who i am so crazy about has also molded me into the more strong female i am. if not for him id still have you assholes walking all over me. Panama, no fucking place like it, go visit. PORNO PORNO PORNO! yeah im not scared to say it publicly, so dont front like you dont watch it either. getting texts and calls from jaybii. its so great knowing he's thinking about me while i'm thinking about him. he just takes my breath away [sheesh]. Yankee candles have to be the best invention ever because boy do those soothe me. rome. i know you have so many problems. i know that relationships have been all types of crazy for you. i know that you feel that you're the problem. but in all reality you're not. and if you ever need anyone to talk to, you know im always here for you since we understand each other. you can count on me for anything! my puppy Boots, her fuckin bad behind. i cant even get mad at her sometimes because she just gives me this face where i have to say "its okay". graphics. i have seriously fallen in love with making them! Jaime and Steff two of the greatest girls who get shit. cut it out you fucking lamos. Starbucks Java Chip Ice Cream. didnt know starbucks made ice cream huh? go out to your grocery store a fucking buy it son! theres so much more i cant think about.WASTE OF TIME
people who cant help themselves. you waste your fucking time to help their ass and they just dont fucking give a shit. pathetic, help your own damn self. crushspot is fucking down! you fucking ignorant naggers, i hate you [lmao]. myspace whores. urm you still wont be cool if you have the coolest friends, the coolest hair, the sickest tats, no you're lame. even kids in your home town dont like your ass, get the fuck over it. losing fucking service! tmobile work out that fucking problem because you're fucking shit up for me. My trackball. it gets stuck in place sometimes. its quite irritating. Trix and Cookie. no im not talking about food. looking at them is equivalent to watching Shrek 1 & 2. the word "swagger". stop fucking using it. its been gay since day one. when my significant other isnt around. its quite sad. i think about him all the time. when my parents call my name or knock on my door. i dont think it takes a scientist to realize that we're in a tiny house. its not gonna be that hard for me to get out of my room and come to you. BOOTS STOP PISSING AND SHITTING ALL OVER THE PLACE DAMMIT! gauges stink and i dunno but i wish there was a way that they could smell like baked cake. bleep bleep, nextel knock that shit off, its annoying. JOHN BROWN, hallelujah go home! New York kissing guys. how does anyone find that shit attractive? chewing with your mouth open is annoying enough, but when you slide your teeth down the silverware, omg i just wanna take the fork and jab someone in the throat with it. and the list goes on forever...Navigation
Without Jesus is like my life without music but the damage is the unthinkable because with God, the sky's the limit. My past life has been something that I am not happy about just like many of us in this world, but we can only grow and move on from it. Only God can take away that pain in guilt and form a new path for your future. No one is ever going to love you like the Lord, not your best friend, not your boyfriend/girlfriend, not even your own blood. God is that phone call without a busy signal. God is that boyfriend who will love you unconditionally for who you are and what you do. And God is the father that most of us at one point wish we had. No one's life is perfect but with Him it's taken me a million steps closer to that. You can have that too, you just have to want it.MUSIC MAKES THE WORLD GO 'ROUND