SECOND TO LAST HOPE(songs soon!) profile picture

SECOND TO LAST HOPE(songs soon!)

About Me

Second To Last Hope is a complex band. we have a combo of genres that we kno you'l like:)
with cooper providing the beats, broderick with the melodie, trevor with rythem, and calvin with a solid voice, We can bring you great showgaze styles, and lightshows, with a mix of Pink Floyd, Beatles, Blind Melon, ColdPlay, Emery, and much more, we kno you will love us!:)

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Member Since: 01/12/2007
Band Website: our myspace
Band Members:
Calvin Cotton-Vocals

Trevor Lusk-Bass/vocals

Broderick Baker-Guitar/vocals

Cooper Wilce-Drums

Influences: Brodericks Infulences:Coldplay, Creed, The Beatles
Calvins Influences:The Beatles, Jim Sturgess, The Turtles
Trevors Influences:Pink Floyd, North Of The Woods, The Beatles
Coopers Influences:Dry Creek Manor, North of The Woods, The Beatles

Sounds Like: expression through any means
Record Label: X Marks The Spot
Type of Label: Indie

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