My Space or Yours? and I are proud supporters of Earth Day. Do your part. Educate yourself Earth
Do your part.
Educate Yourself:
Earth Day.comWATCH THIS! And have a tissue ready!Life should always be an adventure. And my adventure is just starting. I've made many changes in my life. Being more spontaneous, trying new things...I went SKYDIVING- I jumped out of a plane at 12,700ft!! I got a tattoo on my ankle of the 'Scottish Lion'- it represents my passion, my honor and my strength. I love to wake up in the morning and take a look at my life. I'm in love with the greatest guy in the world. I never thought I'd ever meet my soulmate, especially when I was so young, but he's here. He supports me in everything and loves me no matter what. I'm going back to college to complete my GE classes, then transfer to LongBeach State to major in zoology and then hopefully go to UC Davis for an exotic vet degree. I volunteer as an Animal Keeper at the Los Angeles Zoo, its hard work but I love it:) If you go to the LA Zoo I help take care of the Bongos and African Lions. I would love to meet my hero Kevin Richardson and tell him how much he's inspired me to work that much harder for what I love. My goal would be to do what he does. Live in and among leopards, lions, cheetahs...earn their trust, their love. I've really never been happier! ~Be the change you wish to see in the world.~
Everyone loves playing in sprinklers!