Holly profile picture



About Me

student going into final year at durham. live around st. albans area but mum moving to glastonbury and dad lives in cardiff, southampton and maybe glasgow and winchester too..don't ask. live out of a bag most of the holidays but mostly live at my boyfriend rou's house. also got a house in durham of course, ensuite next year, get in. and then? who knows.

well no one really uses this anymore.
add me on facebook if you swing that way.
only a handful of people actually talk to me on here.
they're those headstrong loyal myspace people. heh.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:


hardcore + jazz + funk


getting more into them. don't like pointless expensive action films.


Questiontime is the best hour on tv by a long way.


next year:
-the Romantics + gothic + Austen
-American Literature
-Fin de siecle fiction


no. people are equal.