PLAY BASKETBALL, HANGOUT WITH MY HOMIES, Eat, Sleep, And shit just have fun so get at me. Holla !!!!
I would like to met Jordan, Mike Epps(Day Day), and my grandfather.Take the quiz: "Which NBA Legend are you most like?"
Michael Jordan
You are the legend. The superman. The man who has done it all. Congratulations, you are represented by the greates athlete ever to live.
Take the quiz: "Which North Carolina Tar Heel Are You"
Michael Jordan
He Is The Greatest Ever
Shit damn near anything.Take the quiz: "Which Basketball Position should you play?"
Shooting Guard
You get forward and work your ass off to rack up the points.Just like Jordan!!!
All the friday movies, All about the Benjemins, and Fighting Temptations or any movie with Mike Epps. Bad Boys 1&2,Love&Basketball, all the House Party movies.
I really dont look at T.V. but if i do i watch SportsCenter, EspnNews, Family Guy, The Simpsons, and The Jamie Foxx show.
You are Greed!
It's not just about money - though you love the
fact you have it
all and aren't sharing with anyone - But the main
thing is you don't let anybody else have credit
or praise either. You want it all, and you're
going to get it. On the plus side, this often
pushes you to get what you really want and
rarely do you sit back and just take what is
given. With your greedy little paws all over
everything you can reach,
It's probably safe to say you aren't a good friend
all the time, fix this or you'll end up alone
- though as long as you have money you'll be
However, Congratulations on being the most
successful of the 7 deadly sins...
My heroes are God and Jordan.