Sometimes a song is the best way to express how you feel during different paths in life. And sometimes you just want to play your favorite tunes and dance in your underwear, in my case usually with a vacuum in one hand a rag in the other.
How to make a Carol
5 parts intelligence
5 parts ambition
3 parts leadership
Layer ingredientes in a shot glass. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of lustfulness
My one true passion is reading. I love all books and even though I have enough to open a library, I still keep on buying.
The opening of John reveals this simple truth (my Hero) in a beautiful way: “In the beginning there was one God, who had reason, purpose and a plan, which was, by its very nature and origin, divine. It was through and on account of this reason, plan and purpose that everything was made. Nothing was made outside its scope. Then, this plan became flesh in the person of Jesus Christ and tabernacled among us.â€