`•.¸(¨`•.•´¨) ¨^¨°T®iCiå°¨^¨`• profile picture

`•.¸(¨`•.•´¨) ¨^¨°T®iCiå°¨^¨`•


About Me

The name is
Patty mayo
Itz` hard to find friendz`;&&harder l0sing them!Real Stuff..
well..i'm just say this plain & simple..
♥i love to live life to the fullest..i'm kinda livin life as it comes to me.and i thank god for waking me up every morning knowin that he has a new plan for me everyday..=]
♥i don't like to talk bout pplz`..and if you gonna be around me and talk bout pplz`..i'ma just not listen..cuz i'm seriously not worried about their life.and apperently you are..plus i got my own life to worry bout...s0o do you.=]!
i'm a very Trustworthy person..even tho ppl that "Claim" that there my BF..aren't but thats ok..i just kno either not to tell them anything..or just don't simply talk to them..i can truly say that i can trust bout 2-4(includin GOD!)..and i can't trust my family..i mean i love em' -n- all but still ..trust is something strong to me..when you honestly lose my trust sry to say that its gone..for a long time..until you can show me that i can trust you again..when somebody else tell me a secret that their BF told them i kno that i can't trust them cuz they just told me something that they weren't suppose to..that something that most peoply don't realize..so like i say learn..so the next time someone tells you something can you trust them?
♥i ♥ my Seniors..my daily pplz`.(Drea,Darren,Britt,Soto,Kehr,Grey,Freg,Glenn) i'ma miss ya when you guyz` leave me and Northside High all by myslef.='[..its gunna be hard to say G0od bye!
♥I'm currently in NO drama thank g0d!..i find no reason to be in it..it just takes up all the air that you have left in this world..itz` a waste of my time..and time can be short..so i ain't stuntin it =]
♥ Yea i knda don't kno wat i realli want in life as far as my future..but i do hope that i get married one day..but i don't wanna have kidz` of my own i wana Adopt and aZn` baby..=] hehe
♥I get along wit everybody.
♥i don't like Lierz`!..itz` kinda funni how much pplz` lie to you and you don't even realize it..(dang).
♥God don't like Ugly.so apperently he don't like you ..j/k..evry bodys Beautiful in theire own way.=]
♥I love to hng out wit the pplz` that i love dearly! you kno who you guyz` are
♥i mostly ahng out wit guyz` the reason being.cuz gurlz` cause t0o much drama && i don't need it..=]
♥ I love to catch ppl off..when you think that i'm not lo0kin and your doin something stupid/funni/embarassing..yea i'm the one l0okin.=]
..everybodys fake in their own way..you can say that you the most realiest person..but ya realli not.sry t0o say.=/ everyobdy talks B.S. sh0ot i do it sometimes t0o.i ain't gone lie..but everybody does it..so who are you to say that someone is fake. . when you doin the same thang??
♥My opinion is that life can be short and if it is..then you shouldn` hold Grugez` against ppl..plain and simple!!
So that something that you should kno bout me and my life Enjoy and LEARN!!

Simply TRicia =]

My Interests

RIP Christian C. (1991-2007) "youll be missed"

I'd like to meet:

♥ I have something thatz` called a

.=] shes the best and has always been there for me..even when i don't realize it
..the littlest things that she does for me matter the most
..it t0ok me a lil bit of shakin to realize that i didn't want to lose her friendship..
and s0o i wanna say
Thankz` &&
i ♥ you

Lacey G.I have another something thats called a Bestfriend
she brings the excitment in my life
and knows how to party
i always got her back.
i stuck with her when she needed me the most =]

i ♥'z Alex

&& I have another thing that i call my bestfriend
she madd c0ol& down to earth.[low to da grown]..lma0o.
i love them lompias* she be c0okin out side for meh..=P
[ yumm. ]
this is my Flip. gurl and i love her dearly
i ♥'z KayeB.

eh, i can have more then one ..

and my Bestfriends? are:

Lacey, Alex,& Kaye =]
like it or don't


girls layout @ HOT FreeLayouts.com


like someone said ♥Wordz` of wisdom♥ :-i'm the Author of my life..unfortunatly i'm writing in pen & can't erase my Mistakes.=/

-As the water comes the letter slowly fades away..erasing the message it once said.

-never make anybody you everything..cuz once their gone your left wit n o t h i n g

-holdin you i held everyhting

-don't talk bout it..be bout [it]


umm TU MADRE..=)


i'm not much
of a reader..


but most of all,
myparents and
god are my