Have you ever put away an activity for a while that you REALLY enjoyed doing, then picked it up again one day and asked yourself, "Self, why in the world did we quit doing this?"That is exactly what happened to me in July of 2007.I had just graduated from college with my degree in Business Management. It took me ten years to earn that degree. I should have been breathing a sigh of relief. Instead, I felt incomplete. Like a part of my life was still missing.So, I did the only thing I could to compose my thoughts and figure out why I felt this way... I journaled. Over the course of days, my journal entries went from entries about how I was feeling to new characters that popped into my head and pleaded for their stories to be told.In six short weeks, I had completed a historical romance manuscript and was working on the sequel. I was writing during my lunch hours, when I got home from work (in between homework, dinner, etc., and from the time the kids went to bed until sometimes 1 and 2am! The next day, I would get up and do it all over again. On the weekends, I would sneak in as much writing time as I possibly could. And you know what? I COULDN'T HAVE BEEN HAPPIER.It had been nearly 20 years since I put on my writers hat, but in that short period of time, my world started to come into focus. This was what I had been missing all those years. So now, I am making up for lost time. The ideas and characters just keep coming. From the American South, Ireland, Wales, and Italy. Each one has a unique tale just waiting to be written and I can't wait to share them with you.Check out my writing site at www.sherylbrennan.com
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