Dan Perez profile picture

Dan Perez

Dan Perez, Artist and Photographer

About Me

I am an artist/photographer from the Boston area. Currently working on a couple of photographic series for some upcoming exhibits in Boston and NYC.

Recent exhibits of art have included:

Solo show at Stel's on Newbury Street, Boston
"Seekers and Visions" (group show) at Gallery 181 in Lawrence, MA
Featured in NY Arts Magazine
Featured in Northeast INtune Magazine
Upcoming participation in a group exhibit, "Home And Away" at The Bronfman Gallery in NYC scheduled for March 2007

Visit my website at http://www.danperezgallery.com

This profile was edited with TheSpaceCodes.com Editor

My Interests

Art and phtography, theater, anthropology, forensics.

I'd like to meet:

Everyone, but especially people in the Boston and NYC areas who want to model for my upcoming projects. I need people of all ages and types to pose in different settings and as various types of characters. Especially interested in unusal people on the fringe.

Read my blog entry "What is this photo project all about" for more detail.
If you are in the Boston or NYC area and would be interested. Please contact me for more information.

Some of the photos displayed here and on my website, www.danperezgallery.com will be used.
Aside from those listed above, I would like to meet artists, photographers, performers and anyone with a creative mind. I guess I would also love to meet David LaChapelle and Raquel Welch


I read too much and too many types of books to narrow down just a few. Favorite authors: Capote, Sheri Reynolds, Margaret George, Junot Diaz, Clive Barker, Kathy Reichs

My Blog

I'm Sick of Brittany, Paris and Penguins

That's it. No Earth shattering revelations. Nothing more needs to be said. I'm just tired of the Brittany crazy watch, Paris Hilton's constant attentention seeking antics and I don...
Posted by Dan Perez on Fri, 29 Jun 2007 09:45:00 PST

Home And Away Press Release

NYU Bronfman Center Presents Home & Away: The Spaces We Inhabit  March 26  May 11, 2007  Opening Reception: Monday, March 26, 7-9pm   What is home? How does it feel to be awa...
Posted by Dan Perez on Thu, 22 Mar 2007 12:59:00 PST

Where the art is.

Since I'm new to Myspace and have not yet figured out if there is a way to group photos by catagory, I decided that for now, Myspace will be dedicated to my work in photography. Paintings ca...
Posted by Dan Perez on Fri, 23 Feb 2007 12:02:00 PST

What is this photo project all about?

What is this photo project all about? After having some success in painting,  I decided to focus more attention and time to my other love, photography. Right now I'm planning a series of photos b...
Posted by Dan Perez on Fri, 23 Feb 2007 11:03:00 PST