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About Me is a project started on Tuesday, December 13th 2007. And this is me, the subject if you will: Muri. A normal young guy who is neither fictional nor a brand testimonial - so don't be afraid, this site is not about viral marketing activities, and it definitely won't generate or sell your personal data. Everything about this social-science based project is true, you can trust As soon as this test has ended, all supporters and participants will be informed of the result, and with that all of them are invited to join an amazing sight on Time Square/NYC. And here is what it's all about: Although, I am successful in modelling for catalogues and catwalk shows, I hadn't yet managed to become really rich. I have been dreaming of becoming a millionaire all my life. Imagining day and night how much more fun life could be with loads of dollars to spend, so I started looking for an idea to make my dream come true. In case you didn't know, one million dollars is hard to come by. On the other hand, throughout the last ten years, dozens or even hundreds of smart young people have become so-called internet millionaires. So I thought, "it can't be that hard"...I spent hours and hours thinking about an internet business to start... The conclusion was so crazy, yet as simple as it could be: Find one million people on the www, of whom each will pay one dollar to One dollar will symbolize to all those idea building business cracks in the world, that the internet community is strong enough to make at least one of its members a millionaire within one year: me! It's hard to dream that any of us would become really rich within such a short period of time - but one million people can easily make sure that at least one of us does. Whatever you may think about this plan... stop thinking, spend one dollar and watch my first million grow.what you get: Although it's comparable to similar projects on the internet One dollar is as good as 10,000 dollars - as soon as you spent a certain amount via PayPal you are granted the right to leave a text message of 80 characters on the supporters site. Any offensive, political or obscene message will be deleted and not posted online. You decide whether you want to leave your name or greetings to friends that appear by name. You are also allowed to leave an e-mail address or link - but please respect the rules: no adult sites, no political or in any meaning offensive content.what happens to your money: Each dollar you spend on is a determining factor to the result of this project. Every single dollar will be directly passed to a private US bank account and not be touched until December, 13th 2008. Then, in the end of the test this bank account's balance will be published via press release and as pdf download on With I intend to do nothing but become a millionaire. No single dollar will be donated to any welfare fund or private person in need. With one single exception: In the case that I succeed, on December, 24th 2008 at 1 pm (local time) I will be standing on Times Square/NYC and I will pass out 10,000 of the 1 million dollars to people passing by - make sure to be there.

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