Whatever Your Mom Calls Me profile picture

Whatever Your Mom Calls Me

I am here for Networking

About Me

I guess after resisting the myspace urges for years now I finally caved in. I am now officially a myspace whore. I live in Orange County one of the greatest places to live in the world. My city is a place they call Fullerton, a middle class town with great diversity and wonderful people. I can go anywhere in town and find people stopping to say "hi" to one another, and actually engage in a small conversation. In the fast pace world we live in today it's not often you see people talking to another human instead of those stupid blue tooth head sets. My philosophy on life is when it gets to hard sometimes you just gotta step back and say "Screw it!," drink a beer, calm yourself then get back to solving those problems. Some might call that alcoholism but I consider it a little piece of heaven.

My Interests

On occasion I'll have a drink or two or three. I love sports betting and also enjoy a good sandwhich from time to time. You know what would be the ultimate? If Rachael Ray would make me a sandwhich, acompany it with a cold frosty beer and served me while I watch a Cowboys Game!!!!!

I'd like to meet:

I would love to meet Rachael Ray!!! I would also love to meet Bill Parcells and Troy Aikman!

