Little dancer, she’s on fire
She’s the dreamers little girl
Like wind, like sun, like desire
Spirit running on the edge of worlds
She makes her stand arabesque
While backed against the wall
The queen of hearts, she did confess
She never played the fool
Written by Mr Solitaire, about Miss Gee.
To sum things up perrfectly, Miss Gee is an Image Maker.She mostly takes photos... but she also animates, draws things, paints, makes pretty coloured hair and sculpts. Im sure theres other things she does too...She uses everything she can get her hands on. Cameras, Computers, pens, My little ponies, Massive cupcakes, Epic amounts of glitter, sculpy, stolen Ikea pencils, Pegs, newspaper. Hell shes even used sushi to build things.Shes deeply in love with her digital camera, It's name is Jamie. Shes also a big fan of her two computers Eddie and Trillian... both of wich are her lifeforce.Her passion is making images. She has no idea where this passion will take her. But so far its seen her travel Australia, Get published in books, proul through dungeons, paint infront of thousands and meet some of the most amazing people. Her wish is that this crazy ride never ends.
Miss Gee is available for hire as a photographer for some fairly cheap rates. Shes worked on gigs, portraits, band promotional photos and all sorts of other fun things... message her here or e-mail her at
MIND YOU... She refuses to shoot for suicide girls or any Alt porn sites. Research SG well before you even BOTHER to apply. They are arsefaces. Simple as thatShe stole her philosophy on life from Douglas Adams... "The art to flying is to throw yourself at the ground and miss"And right now... shes determined to miss, in the most spectacular way possible.
Did i mention she also collects my little ponies?
Love and sweet underwear love. Miss Gee