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Single CommentsHello, my name is Beth Ann and I am not into "collecting" friends just for the sake of having several friends on my page. People that have something in common with me or share a common interest are fine. I'm very shy. I can be very friendly and funny too....once I'm comfortable and get to know a person better. I'm easy-going and laid back for the most part. I think I'm liked by most and people tell me I'm sweet and kind.a myspacer
Whats your favorite name for a girl?: Don't have one
How about a boy?: see above
Who is the last person you talked to whose name started whith a B?: My mom
What is your favorite memory about someone whose name starts with a P?: uh....something that had to do with Paul @ a KISS concert. lol
How many pairs of sunglasses do you own?: I dunno? two?
Who do you get along with best in your family?: my dog. Just kiddin' mama ;-)
Who is your best friend of the opposite sex?: James
What was your first car?: Champagne beige chevy cavalier
Have you ever been in an accident?: yes
Do you keep grudges?: no..not really
Do you forgive people easily?: pretty much
Did you ever play sports in high school?: no
Did you/ do you like high school?: I did sometimes
Did you ever watch Rugrats?: no
How about Doug?: huh?
What was your favorite color as a kid?: Purple
Do you read alot?: ....what's a lot? I read....yeah
Have you ever fallen really hard for someone?: yes
What color is your cell phone?: Silver
Who are you thinkin about right now?: what all I have to do coming up in the next few weeks
Ever been to court?: no
Do you have alot of money on you?: no
Do you own a camera?: yes
Whats your favorite candy?: Don't have one really...chocolate of some kind
What about your favorite flower?: something purple or pink
Has anyone of the opposite sex ever made you anything?: yes
Have you ever made anyone of the opposite sex something?: yes
Whats your favorite place to be?: home or out w/friends or family
Do you like where you live now?: yes
How many pets do you have?: one
Do you like doing things alone?: sometimes
Whats the longest you have ever waited on someone?: I hour?
Do you have a job?: yes
Has anyone ever given you flowers?: my dad did when I was a little girl
Do you have picture of people from your past in your room?: yes
Do you like to dance?: yes
Whats your favorite sports team?: Indianapolis Colts
Has anyone called you babe today?: not today
What is the worst pick up line someone used on you?: a guy said something about my
What is the last thing you did before this?: watched some of the olympics and read emails
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Your Candy Heart Says "Marry Me"
For you, love is serious business. You don't take dating lightly.
And even if you haven't met the right person, getting married is something you expect to do soon.
Your ideal Valentine's Day date: a romantic picnic in the park
Your flirting style: subtle and calculating
What turns you off: short term flings
Why you're hot: you're a hopeless romantic with each new relationship What Does Your Candy Heart Say?Under the Surface... not so common susrvey
To begin:
Your Name: Beth or Beth Ann
Nicknames: Bethie, BAM, Bethany
Age: 41
What age do you feel like: 20 something
birthplace: Community East- Indianapolis Indiana
current residence: The burg of Browns ;-)
where you wish you could be now: Tennessee
where you've already been: lots of places
siblings: Two older brothers
parents still married: mom is widowed
height: 5'6
wieght: uh....not going there
eye color: brown
hair color: dark brown
natural hair color!: dark brown
skin tone: fair with freckles
heritage: English, Irish, German, French...little bit of Cherokee and Welsh...and maybe some Scotch-Irish
star sign: Gemini
Day to Day
when do you wake up: besides all thru the night? 6ish or 7ish in the a.m.
what's the first thing you think when waking: I'm still tired....but God has blessed me with another day
Do you eat breakfast: most of the time I'll grab something healthy
What's your dress style: casual
What do you do for work: clothes? casual...but no's forbidden
Do you go to school: no
What do you like best about school/work: some people...I can sometimes listen to audio books
What do you hate the most: pettiness and anal retentiveness
When do you go to sleep: late...11ish, 12ish...etc.
What is your mode of transportation: my pontiac grand am
Do you live alone: no
What type of person you are
Introverted or extroverted: I can be both
Are you a happy person: for the most part
do you get moody: not really
Biggest pet peeve: the way some people drive
Do you finish what you start: I'm a gemini....we start several projects...and sometimes don't finish
Punctual or always late: in between
Are you book smart: no
Do you have any common sense: oh yeah....a lot more than the book smart
How do you learn best: from experience or on my own
Right or left-brained?: haven't a clue
Objective or Subjective POV: ?
Who was the last person you helped: someone at work today
What did you do for them: something work related
Are you spontanious or predictable: I can be both
Name 3 goals you have
goal #1: to be happy and content one day w/my life
goal #2: to get healthier than what I am
goal#3: to get married/have family
List 5 things that make you happy
thing #1: my church/faith
thing #2: my dog
thing #3: my interests/hobbies
thing #4: my friends/family
thing #5: good food/drink
are you a romantic, partier, or other...: other? lol hmmmm
hobbies: Colts, Movies, music, scrapbooking, walking, internet, hiking in state parks, baking, gardening, exercising, reading, crafting.
favorite drink: water, sometimes Dr. pepper or Mr. Pibb
alcoholic beverage: Original margarita
food: italian, mexican, cheese, and fruit
shoes: sandals, boots, cute heels
clothing: cute tops or sweaters, blue jeans or capris
place to visit: Tennessee, Northern or Southern Indiana, Michigan
movie: The Wizard of Oz
tv show: Y&R, 48 hours, Dateline, Old Christime, 2 1/2 Men, Ghost Whisperer
actor: Dennis Quaid
actress: Julia Roberts
singer/band: KISS, ELVIS
song: Don't have a favorite
thing to do with your free time: Movies, internet, friends, walking, play with dog
phrase: “Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is God's gift, that's why we call it the present.â€
question: why not me?
swear word: S#*!
sport: Football
thing that you own: sidekick 2
car: I'll say pontiac grand am...since that's my current ride
book: Bible
animal: Dog
moment you've had: when I was baptized
color: Purple
Tell us more....
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal or blanket: no...but I used
Do you dream: everyone dreams....I just hardly can remember mine
What's the craziest thing you've done sober: tp'd trees and soaped windows, crank calls
Would you consider yourself "wierd" or "crazy": no....I'm pretty normal
What's the best time of the year: Autumn & holidays
What was the hardest thing you've had to do: lose my dad & grandparents
Have you achieved any goals or won any awards: certificates @ work & spelling bee ribbon and art ribbons in school perfect attendance my senior year in h.s.
How's life treating you right now: God is good even if I don't have everything I want
Are you good with kids: yes
What are you afraid of: being alone, the dark, spiders, public speaking
What are you definitely not afraid of: the big bad wolf. lol
are you religious: some would say I am. I say I'm spiritual
If you were a crayon color, what color would you be: one of the purple ones
how about if you were a type of candy: maybe the $100,000 bar
If you're life were a movie or a book, what would the title be: All of this...and still single?
What are you religious beliefs: I'm a chrisitian
Do you believe in ghosts: hmmmm maybe. Ask me about my Uncle's house.
Do you believe in psychics: I think there are some legit ones...such as the ones that help the cops.
You think horoscopes are true: no...entertainment purposes
Do you think we're the only world with life in it?: currently? perhaps yes.
Are aliens real: I dunno...probably not now.
What happens when we die: we go to heaven or hell
What is your political view: I'm a registered republican but have voted outside the republican ballot. I'm for whichever candidate is the better American and the one that will "Protect and Defend" !
What is the most important thing in life: God, family, friends, & love
what is your view on gay marriage: disagree...but hey...I have gay friends...and I still like Ellen
how do you feel about abortion: necessary for medical reasons only...not as a means for birth control
the death penalty: yes And eye for an eye....
do you believe people are ultimately good: I don't know about ultimately
is there a heaven and a hell: yes...I think so
do you believe everyone deserves a second chance: yes
justice is blind: yes
is fate a real thing: could be
how do you feel about karma: no opinion
childhood, teens and college - unwrapped!
What is your earliest memory: I was about three I think
Do you think you had a good childhood: yes
what was your worst childhood habit: scribbling on walls or getting into mom's makeup
Did you enjoy being a kid: yes
what's your happiest childhood memory: memories with my grandparents
what's your most embarrassing moment: when I got in trouble for talking maybe?
Did you like school: for the most part
Did you belong to a clique: no
What were your afterschool activities: watching cartoons, playing with friends, talking on phone
What was your favorite subject: Art or Spelling/English
Did you keep the same friends all through school: not less close and closer to others
who was your favorite teacher and why: Mrs. Kircher. She was a hoot, really good with kids...and was just a good teacher.
Were you a troubled teen: no
rule breaker or goody-goody: goody-goody
Did you go to college: no...took ivy tech classes
are you still in college: no
for what:
was college good for you:
why or why not:
did you party or study more:
live on campus or off:
Love, Lust, and Romance
Have you ever been in love: thought I was
Had your heart broken: yes
Broken someone else's heart: not that I know of
Intentionally hurt your bf/gf: no
Have you ever said "I love you" and not meant it: no
Lied to a loved one: yes
Pretended to be someone different to get someone to like you: no
Describe your first kiss: it was okay not great
Do you prefer hugs or kisses: both
Do looks matter: yes
What do you look for in a partner (non-physical aspect): someone that's christian, kind, has a sense of humor, loyal, faithful, understanding.
What physical feautures attract you the most: Dark hair, brown eyes, great smile, well-groomed, tall, handsome face, nice arms, chest.
List 4 turn ons:: ok....
turn on #1: handsome face
turn on #2: nice smile/teeth
turn on #3: nice eyes
turn on#4: dark hair
List 4 turn offs:: ok...
turn off #1: bad teeth
turn off #2: thick glasses
turn off #3: long greasy hair or strange hair
turn off #4: "weird" facial hair
What's the best kiss you've ever had: last year
What's the longest relationship you've been in: what relationship? lol
Do you date casually or are you monogamous: how I date? lol
How important is sex: it's important...but not the most important
Have you ever been caught: ?
What is your stance on PDA's: ?
Are you currently available or taken: available
If taken, by who... if not, any possibilities?:
what does he/she look like:
what's their personality like:
How long have you known each other:
how did you meet:
Name 3 of your favorite things about this person:
favorite #1:
favorite #2:
favorite #3:
What's the best date you've ever been on:'s still yet to happen
Tell us what your ideal date would be like: dinner, movie, walk in the park, coffee house
Do you ever want to get married: sure do
How about kids: sure do
Do you believe in true love: yes
aaannnd love at first sight: not so sure about this...or soulmates. Lust at 1st site maybe.
Have you ever been cheated on: yeah...kinda....I was misled
Ever cheated on someone else: no
How do you feel about divorce: I think it's too easy to get one...but sometimes is necessary.
What's the nicest thing you've ever done for a loved one: I'm not sure....I've done lots of nice things.
What's the meanest thing you've done: tough question. I've probably hurt someone's feelings w/o meaning to
Do you still talk to your ex's: no
Lets Get totally random now...!
Do you like grilled cheese: of course...cheese is my favorite food
How do marshmellows make you feel: I dunno...but they're yummy and sweet
Can you cuss in a foreign language: no
If you could be animal, what would you be: dog
Do cops make you nervous: sometimes
Have you ever almost died before: yes...I think so
Describe what your typical family reunions is like: a lot of food, family, kids, & talking.
Have you ever gone skinnydipping: no
Do you talk to strangers: yes
How much money do you spend on fast food every week: too much
What type of soap is currently in you shower: safeguard, dial, liquid shower soaps
If you could have a lifetime supply of anything, what would it be: cheese. lol
You are granted 3 wishes... what do you wish for: A great guy, a baby, & house
wish #1: uh....look above? lol husband
wish #2: baby
wish #3: house
If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change: my figure
What would be worst for you, deaf, blind, or paralyzed: blind
Have you ever wanted to beat the crap out of someone: yes
why: uh...because I was furious w/them
Do you lose socks in the luandry: not normally...but on occasion
Do clowns irritate you at all: uh...I haven't an opinion on them
What about old people: no...I respect my elders
How about old clowns:
Do you play an instrument: kazoo and
Have you been out of the country: Canada
Have you ever run into a door or a wall before: yep
What are you wearing right now: warm up capris and tshirt
What color is your underwear... do they match your socks: black with turquoise they don't match my white socks
Can you sit still: yes
Does silence bother you: no...unless it goes on too long
Do you think immigrants to the US should learn some damn English: lol....yes...afterall....we are expected to learn their language if we go there. When in as the Romans etc.
If you could have any superpower, what would it be: To be invisible
What would your superhero name be: I dunno...something cool like Isis...hehe
What......'s the greatest smell in the world: baby powder or lilacs
What......'s the greatest sound: good music, laughter
Greatest feeling - physical: a hug or kiss
greatest feeling - emotional: being loved
Most wonderful sight: babies w/their moms & dads
Do you make mistakes: yes
do you regret anything: oh yes
What......'s the wierdest thing you......'ve ever eaten: deer jerky or when my neice had me taste her raw fish dish she was eating @ P.F. Changs....ewww
Why do monkeys fling poop: because they or they are mad at you
What type of slippers do you want right now: ruby red ;-)
Do you sleep naked: no but I would if I had a reason
How do you feel about being an American: Very proud and very blessed
Does time heal everything: it gets better...but never really heals completely
Have you ever sang the song: what song?
Are you afriad to die: no
What would you tell your loved ones if you were dying: that I love them very much
Just to finish up... tell us 5 more things. Anything you want to share...
#1: I've never had green eggs...but I have had ham ;-)
#2: People used to always tell me I looked like Amy Grant...lately though they've been telling me Minnie Driver.
#3: I really wished I had a chance to see Elvis in concert before he left the building ;-(
#4: What is it with anal-retentive people and pettiness anyway? sheesh.
#5: It's not about how many toys does someone have when they's about faith, family, & love.
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