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About Me

TheRe'S No One iN Da WoRLd LyKe Me..i Am UniQue WiD Ma Own Way.. WiD D cOmbiNatIOn oF StreNgTh,PhySicaL aPPeaRaNce,SKiLL's,Ma aCCoMPLisHmentS,PeRsoNaLiTy,IntErEsTs,ThouGHt's aNd FeeLinGs.... I aM StiLL LeaRniNg To B mORE aPPreCiatE N VaLue Ma seLF Dhat wiLL aLLow Me To BeGin The ProCeSs oF aCTinG In a New Ways To FacE The ObStaCLe iN ma LyFe... AsiDe FruM aLL dhat I aM stiLL HUmaN BeinG Hu HaS a WeaKneSS buT im TryiNg Ma BesT tO chAnGe Ma WeaKness inTo SymThin BeauTiFuL n UsEfuLL in Ma LyFe.... MaY Ma LoVeLy GoD wiLL HeLp Me To MakEs ThiNgs MoRe EaSiEr FoR Me......