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My Interests



Office Space, Boondock Saints, and Memento. I have to say, The chronicles of Riddick. Love 'em. And generally, even though I love good story lines, I would gladly give them up for some old fashioned beatings, and end of the movie explosions. The Butterfly Effect too.


You gotta watch that again.


Why the mind works. The Tao of Physics. The Great Book of Natural Liberation Through Understanding in the Between. The Universe in an atom. The Elegant Universe. The Dead Sea Scrolls. The Four Agreements. Green Eggs and Ham. I don't read too much fiction, but I like the Vampire Chronicles, Wizard of Oz books, Alice in Wonderland, and The Prince of Tides is probably my favorite book.


Your mom.

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My Blog

There's a point when you just stop caring.

So I'm near Albuquerque, NM on a job.  It's great because it's not over 100 degrees.  It's actually topping out in the low eighties. And that's because it's raining.  Not only that, bu...
Posted by PerpetualPain on Mon, 21 Aug 2006 07:46:00 PST

I'm so hot.

We're over here by Vegas.  The news says 102, or so, but our thermomoter is breaking 113.  We're coming off the california coast at 85 degrees. It's rediculous here .  It's so hot, my b...
Posted by PerpetualPain on Sun, 13 Aug 2006 01:31:00 PST

Orientation: homosexual.

So Lori called her sister Teresa, and told her my jail story, who told Kevin, and Kevin called me.  "You told the cops you're gay?" Oh yeah I forgot. So I'm getting my paperwork done by the paper...
Posted by PerpetualPain on Wed, 07 Jun 2006 10:42:00 PST

Dodgers Lost And I Woke Up In Jail

I'm close to L.A.  We have Sundays off.  We're tired of hanging out in hotel rooms.  I told my friend Kevin this, and said his girlfriend's sister lives here.  I know Kevin's girlf...
Posted by PerpetualPain on Mon, 05 Jun 2006 11:05:00 PST

Claustrophobia in Eden

Here's what I've been doing. It's hot here.  Standing in the sun will burn you in less than an hour, but our job is in this canyon.  We have to lower all of our gear down by crane then ...
Posted by PerpetualPain on Thu, 04 May 2006 11:10:00 PST

More Cops?

I'm working in Modesto, I have two days off, so I drive 2 hours to see some family in yuba city.  I sunday night I'm still there at 3 in the morning with my cousin working on his car.  I hav...
Posted by PerpetualPain on Sat, 04 Mar 2006 10:30:00 PST

Happy Valenswinesday

We're on a job in Modesto, California.  The tank we're doing is right next to a slaughterhouse.  So while the other diver is in, the wind blows the smell of death to the guy on top of the wa...
Posted by PerpetualPain on Tue, 21 Feb 2006 10:35:00 PST

Apples, Officers, and Idiots

So I moved to Utah. and I'm waiting to leave for another job, so why rent a place.  I've been staying with some friends, but I don't like to always stay at others places.  I tell people I li...
Posted by PerpetualPain on Thu, 09 Feb 2006 06:44:00 PST

Seattle Fever.

So I'm in Eastern Washington doing some work for a couple of weeks, so our boss gives us Sunday off.  So Saturday after work we start the 3 hour road trip after finding that they opened the pass ...
Posted by PerpetualPain on Tue, 31 Jan 2006 05:42:00 PST

Las Vegas: Fight night.

I'm in vegas, at a bar called the Beauty Shop.  It's theme is- guess.  So in the back it opens up outside into a nice little space with a stage on one side and a little bar on the other, wit...
Posted by PerpetualPain on Tue, 10 Jan 2006 10:16:00 PST