WRitiNg...(i'M a dORk)...dEfiNiteLy MUSIC!!! I LiKe tO rEAd. SPenDiNg tiMe wiTh tHe fAbuLoUs hUbbY.
pEOpLe wHo aRe aS cRAzY aS me! peOpLe wHo tHiNk.PeOPLe wHo kNow.PEoPLe wHo dOnt giVe a dAmN.peOpLe wiTh oPiniOns.PeoPLE whO LiKe tO hAvE fUn.oH...aNd JoHnNy dEpP. AnGeLiNa jOLiE...a cHiCk wHo's HoT aNd sMaRt AND cRaZy?? hELL yEaH.
eVeRyThiNg aNd aNytHiNg. aLL tiMe fAvORiTeS aT tHe mOMeNt...tHe fAiNt (iF yOuve nEvEr hEArd oF tHe faInt bEfoRe, u R seRiOUsLy dEpRiveD),tHe dECeMbEriStS, riLo kiLeY (fUcKiNg fAnTaStiC!) aNd The mArS VoLtA. ImA rObOt. hEad AuToMatiCa iS sWeEt tOo. sHaKiRa. SciSSoR siStErS. tHe rAptUre.
SiN CiTy. aMeRiCAn bEaUtY. bLoW. ThE cOrPSe bRiDe.
hOuSe. rEd dWarF (pLeAse waTcH tHis ShOw iF u hAveNt sEeN iT beFoRe, yOu wiLL LoVe iT!) FaMiLy gUy!! tHaT sHit cRaCKs mE uP! tHe siMpSoNs. iNvAdEr ziM...hA Ha!
WhiTe OLeAnDeR. mUrDeR oN tHe OriEnT eXpREsS, aNd tHen tHeRe wErE nOne ("rOgeRs hAd dRoPPeD tHe coFFeE tRaY!") hA hA aNd hArrY poTTeR (rEad eM beFoRe U diS eM, fOoLs!)
aNyOne wHo wEnt thROUgH aNd sUrVivEd tOugh sHit aNd cAme OuT a bEttEr pErSoN cUz oF iT. aLsO mY hUbbY fOR bEiNg tHe mOsT iNcREdiBLe hUmaN bEiNg i hAve EvEr mEt. i LovE yOu BaBeS!