rOaNnE profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

i Am a pErSoN who LovES tO miNgLe witH oTheR pEoPle... eSpeCiAlly wiTh mY fRiEnDs.. i EnjOy "mAkiNg kWenTo" aBoUt aNytHinG.. i aM VERY FRIENDLY,,, aLtHouGh sOmE pEoPle tHinK oF mE aS a SNOb... sUpLaditA (sUpLadA + mALdiTa)... weLL,, iTz for yOu tO fiNd oUt..=)
I made a Quiz for you! Take my Quiz! and then Check out the Scoreboard!
There is a part of me
That feels I am different from everyone else.
Something that I can't quiet see,
Something that I can't quiet feel,
Something so unreal.
But this 'thing' is always there,
This 'thing' with others, I will never share.
So I push it to the back of my mind,
All the thoughts of boys and clothes
And make-up, it is hiding behind.
Sometimes, when I have almost forgotten,
It comes back with such ferocity,
Angry and unforgiving.
I feel so lost and sad,
Whatever caused this feeling
Must have been so horrible and bad.
A lost memory or something else,
I'll never know,
Whatever it is,
I know for sure,
I can never let this feeling show.
.. .. .. .. .. ..

My Interests

MuSiC,bOoKs,LaKwaTsa,fRiEnds anD oF cOurSe,,,bOyz!! hEhE..

I'd like to meet:

i would want to meet people who have many similarities with me so as not to have arguments or disagreements. i want someone who understands what i feel. and lastly, i want someone who would not hesitate to share even his/her deepest secret to me..

Cool Slideshows


aNyThiNg wiLL dO.. aS LonG aS it iS nOt aLteRnaTivE,,rOck...aNd tHe LikE!!
.. width="300" height="80" ..


meAn giRLS, CinDereLLa StOry, ShE'S aLL tHat,sErenDiPiTy, bOys aNd giRLs, fReAky fRidAy, mY sAsSy giRL, 10 tHinGs i haTE abouT yOu, petEr pAn, tHe fiRsT dAughTeR, mAtriX, 50 fiRst dAtEs, gOtHikA, HoW tO dEaL, cRueL iNteNtiOns, gEt oVeR iT, i kNoW whaT You diD LaSt sUmmEr.. mAny mAny mOre..


tHe purPoSe-dRivEn liFe... cHicKeN sOuP fOr tHe tEeNage sOul,, cHocoLatEs fOr a wOmaN's heArt,, a walk tO remember..