Grew up in Philadelphia... I started singing when I was 3. Poppop sang, Dad was always singing, always whistling and dancing around the house so it was pretty normal to me but not to the rest of my family... I think I've heard "you'd better find something to fall back on girl" a million times over along with "you'd better not come home with a big belly..." Hence the "painfully honest issues, YEP! – But, I’m mushy on the inside...
Took piano from the time I was 5 off and on until I was around 14 then I picked up a guitar. Not really the best at either but I can work with it....Actually, I SUCK! ....
Took professional dance lessons for a few years private and some with dancers for my band Midnight Angel.... Nothing sophisticated, just hip hop or better "how to dance like a rock star" ...Took acting classes in NYC, enjoyed that... been on a few stupid TV shows, NOPE, nothing I would ever brag about AT ALL!
Been in quite a few bands, sometimes I forget how many. I miss the old days @ Bonnies, The Cell Block, Jugs N Mugs, The Galaxy… That was when being in an original band was the shit and we were all rock stars with the hair and clothes. God I miss shopping @ Zipperhead!
I love rock n roll but I sing pretty much everything and I love being on stage and I love a challenge just hate half ass shows. I don’t like NOT BEING PREPARED. Fucks my whole night up!
Can't stand bull shitters, users, liars, mean people, angry drunks, coke heads, & people who mistake my being nice for me being stupid. That pretty much sums me up... I am here to network with other musicians and catch up with my long lost friends in "music land" ... Party like a rock star but not like an asshole! ... BLESSED BE! ..