Wendy Magazine is more powerful than a thousand En Vogue cover bands singing at a 90's benefit show for Lou Diamond Phillips. It is also a creative outlet that began in 2001. Over the years, friends and strangers have provided content and ideas, morphing this thing into an ongoing, collaborative project. By 2015, we hope to have evolved into a promotional brochure for a sprawling, for-profit corporate conglomerate.
Wendy Magazine is inspired by magic markers, crayons, free time and collaboration. We prefer to collaborate with a small collective of creatives. We prefer to call the 'zine "a pamphlet." This pamphlet is something that would seriously offend Bill Cosby yet impress the hell out of Don Knotts. We admit there’s nothing revolutionary or very meaningful about it, but then again, that’s what people probably thought of hair gel. Would you like to play?
View my page on We Make Zines