~Jenny~ profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

She's Intriguing... The only predictable thing about her is that she'll always surprise you. You can drink her in & drink her in, but you'll never get your fill. You'll always be thirsty for more. It's indescribable but hardly accidental. She can't be fooled because she's always completely aware. She’s mysterious...her walls are always rotating, you'll always see a different side, if you are chosen by her she will show you a glimpse of her soul. The best part of her, the part that's real. If she's not what you want, she doesn't want to be. She plays some games, but don't think if she pushes you away she really wants you closer. If she wants you closer she'll rope you in until you're consumed. She's intense but she's calm, she'd rather drive you crazy than keep you sane & that is why you'll never forget her. <3 <3 <3Let PASSION catch you, Speak with your EYE'S, tell a story in silence, SMILE with your face, guard your INNER thoughts, ask daring questions, be BLUNT, know your WORTH, let your heart SPEAK for itself, make yourself KNOWN in a way you can't be forgotten and above all less, LOVE until you are FREE…
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

People with a GOOD sense of humor!! Interesting, Educated, Intriguing, Genuine, Honest, Passionate, someone who would challenge me, make me think beyond my own thoughts. The list could go on but if someone can me laugh that's the best.I'll Make you start thinking... I would rather be ashes than dust in consequence of my spark burning out in a brilliant blaze than stifled by dry-rot and I would rather be a superb meteor, every atom of me in magnificent glow rather than a sleepy and permanent planet. The function of human kind is to live, not merely to exist therefore never lose sight of your passions and dreams. Realize that any and everything happens for a reason and that reason is a result of the choices we make and not by some divine karmic intervention. Whatever that reason is, we may determine it now or discover it later but in the end, we will all leave this world having left imprints in the hearts, memories in the minds, and smiles on the faces of those we shared with. The best we can do is live for the moment, laugh for no reason, and love for a lifetime. Always remember "Stay true to your SOUL"

My Blog

Visioning through the windshield, taking a glimpse in the rear view

"Visioning through the windshield, taking a glimpse in the rear view"  Writing by, Jenny Ismail   A moment in my mind the journey of my heart&..     In the apocalypse of...
Posted by on Wed, 05 Nov 2008 08:17:00 GMT

"Dancing Candle"

  "Dancing Candle"      &nb sp;         &nb sp;         &nb sp; &nbs...
Posted by on Mon, 19 May 2008 14:36:00 GMT

"Coming out of the shadow into the Light"

"Coming out of the shadow into the Light"Written By, Jenny Ismail   A prelude of a dream with a lingering prayerSitting wondering what happens when our vision dissipatesWhen we bend so far till w...
Posted by on Fri, 07 Mar 2008 13:35:00 GMT

As words filter through and underneath they stir, so Hidden...

Fitter, happier, more productive,comfortable,not drinking too much,regular exercise(take care of your body, you only get one),getting on better with your associate employee contemporaries,at ease,eati...
Posted by on Mon, 12 Nov 2007 22:46:00 GMT

"Destiny Woven By Chance"

  Destiny Woven By Chance   By, Jenny Ismail    This is inspired by the steps we take in life where we may have slipped. Steps we fell into, that we may have never created or ...
Posted by on Thu, 18 Oct 2007 13:30:00 GMT

"Epiphanys Do Arise.."

"You are the ONLY one who will make your dreams become real...Stay true to your soul." ( For my bro, you have imprinted this on my heart...you understand!)...Your lil sis   After a while you lea...
Posted by on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 14:37:00 GMT

"Tiny Cornered Echo’s"

"Tiny Cornered Echo's"  By, Jenny Ismail  This is inspired by inspiration itself. The world around us has so much offer, far more then what we just externally "see" with our eye's....As...
Posted by on Sun, 26 Aug 2007 18:25:00 GMT

"In the morning of the night"

Just thinking...   To be truly alive is to truly Love.To truly Love is to be vulnerable.To hurt is to know with certainty that one knows love.How can one hurt without loving? Love is the only ite...
Posted by on Mon, 06 Aug 2007 04:28:00 GMT

Coloring the Canvas

"Coloring the Canvas"  By, Jenny Ismail     Redesigned that supports the notions which solidify our emotions Fluid like thoughts that get caught in a world which could never be bough...
Posted by on Tue, 12 Jun 2007 17:27:00 GMT

Tidal Waves Crash, Then Become Streams&

"Tidal Waves Crash, Then Become Streams&"   By, Jenny Ismail   The answer lays within the question&my mind is a library, I'm forever writing whether there's a pen in my hand or a piece of...
Posted by on Mon, 04 Jun 2007 23:41:00 GMT