$crewge is the Artist, Hollywood is Tha City, Block Bottom Monopoly is Da Movement. Sounds of the Underground will Hit the Mainstream Big Screen soon so stay tune Big Thangs Bout 2 Happen 4 this Hustla name $crewge. Da Streets is Watchin & Waitin 4 HollyHood, HollyWood 2 put Tha Sunshine-Gunshape State of Florida on The Rap-Map Respectfully. $crewge said " i dew dis 4 alivin ufeel me, Hustlin is tha Sport but Music is My Hearts Passion" Crossinover from Tha Streets 2 Showbiz is tha Hardest Part of the Game". From Da Bottom to the Top Nonstop Hip Hop got $crewge Mcbuck$ astrongenough Street Buzz 2 Blowup Big. His Mission is to Brang Da Music World closer tohis HomeTown HollyHood, HollyWood USA! $crewge said "I Represent Da Hood & My Neck of Da Woodz", {Hallandale (HLD), Carveranchez (CRP), Liberia (LIB), Dania (D.A.), Alpine & Ehlinger (A&E)}. Webeen overlooked 4 2 long, This is "Tha Step Child City of South Florida", Sandwiched between Miami-Fort Lauderdale turned out 2BA Goodthang becuz wetake Flavor from both places & make our own. If U never been 2 Hip Hop Hollywood $crewge Mcbuck$ shonuff gonetake you there when U listen 2 his Music, U clearly hear the peer pressurepain, stress struggle strain, Highs & Lows, Ups & Downs, Goodbad Happy & sad sides of $crewge, Lyrical & Spiritual sides to. $crewge Xplains " i comefrom a Small City Big Town & Round here Everybody knows Everybody' We Family, if U shoot somebody today ugone findout it's yo cousin tomorrow "We rather Make-a-Million Buck$", They Call us City-County-Country Boyz, Big City Hustles wit Smalltown Attitudes."Screwge McBuck$ started Hustlin Young as a "Jit"(Juveniles in Trouble) his nickname camefrom his Childhood Homeboyz. " ibeen grindin 4 alongtime tryin 2 chase these Street Dreams & ibrang more than Rap, Rhymes & Riddles to the Table". With several homeboyz dead, 2 Brothers in the FEDS, $crewge isonly Scared of The Almighty Most High God. *Shalom*.Visit the Official World Wide Website @ www.blockbottom.com 4 tha Whole Story on $crewge Mcbuck$ from his Troubled Childhood to his HollyWood Lifestyle Today, 1Life, One Luv Livitup.