‘THE END OF THE LINE’ are a group of emerging artists, eager to contribute their ideas and beliefs to the current art scene.They wish to challenge conventional displays and venues for art whilst striving to promote 'art-as-event' inviting Artists and Creatives to work together, often leaving individual practice at the door.The End of the Line also work to promote the artist as an individual, realising one another’s ideas and assisting each other in the production of their art works.
Based in Penzance in Cornwall, The End of the Line have a web of likeminded fellows throughout the rest of the country.The End of The Line are all about a good party, bringing art and fun stuff to the Southwest and beyond.Come along and join the caboodle! Get in touch with us through this page or using the details below.We would love to hear from you….. YES…. YOU!!!Please read the “Call Out†and the “Proposal†in the BLOGS section above.
..................................... For full details on the project contact................theendofthelineevents@hotmail.co.uk..