Music, autobiographies, spending time with my sweetheart, video games, cooking...
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Babyman, Fiona Apple, Mushroomhead, Cake, Wu-Tang,TV theme songs, anything Mike Patton touches turns to gold, Ween, Alice in Chains, STP, Guns n' Roses, Del the Funky Homosapian, Beastie Boys, Johnny Cash, there's this guy who stands outside Jacob's Field playing the Flintstones on his sax, the bum down the street from him singing profanities, Mars Volta...
God Hates A Coward
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..1-The Godfather series (Tom Hagan is my father)
..2-Kill Bill series (Uma cries...pretty hot)
..3-No Holds Barred (Hogan shines in this classic battle of good vs. evil)Honarable Mentions:
Devils Rejects, House of 1,000 Corpses, Twin Peaks:Fire Walk With Me, Kingpin, Natural Born Killers, Popeye, Phantoms, True Romance, Usual Suspects, Last House on the Left, Elmstreet series, Friday the 13th series, Half Baked, Lion King, Sixth Sense, Airplane, Naked Gun series, True Lies, Look Who's Talking series...
In Dreams From Blue Velvet
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Twin Peaks, Family Guy, World Wrestling Entertainment, Simpsons, The Sopranos, 24, Adult Swim...Never american idol, Never...
The Stand, Desperation, Mein Kampf, Hearts in Atlantis, Foley is Good,
My hero has always been Hulk Hogan. Not Terry "Hulk" Hogan, but the charachter created by him and Vince McMahon. He always had a great message for all his little Hulkamaniacs. "Train, say your prayers, and eat your vitamins" He kicked ass for the USA. Hulkamaniac 4 life...