What can I say, I'm just a simple man living this day-to-day puzzle while trying to have fun inbetween. If I were to describe ME, it would be in the image of an angel with broken wings. It might be a cliche since many if not all people live with that constant battle between spirit, trying to live righteous but end up slippin' and doing the opposite of what your heart tells you is righteous. Forgive me for getting deep with this, but this seems to be the underlying theme at every point in life. I guess it's the backlash of living a "young and the reckless" lifestyle as a youth then to have life situations change your perspective. Now I'm a proud parent trying to provide for mine. That's all I would like to say at this point, but I hope to have more things to say up on my blog so keep posted.I've been using a joint profile with my fiance which I thought wasn't good for personal use, so I decided to finally get one of my own. Now I can link up with whoever I want and put up things on this page which best reflect me and my personality. I basically use this myspace account to keep in touch with friends but if you think I'm cool enough ;)don't hesitate to add me.