About Me
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What to say??? In short, Im a young entreprenuer from the great state of Tennessee, however I continue to live a life as a nomad - I live in Africa sometimes and live in the great city of Nashville at other times. However, my family heritage and my true home is based in a really small town 30 minutes north of Cookeville, TN. I am now a MBA grad from the University of Stellenbosch in Cape Town and as of now I am in pursuit of transitioning from school to work. I have an extreme passion for life and being compassionate at heart as a humanitarian I want to continue my humanitarian aid work by building a sustainable enterprise of my own that supports the worlds poor with entreprenueral education and micro-financial assistance.In essence, I love travelling to exotic places and meeting very interesting people and love learning as much as I can from them. I appreciate wise conversations with mutual understanding and respect.Fun Facts?:++++++++++++++++We had to make a trip to the northern province to make it into Laos, so we went to the US Embassy to inquire on security in the area. "We hear that the rebels have taken control of the main highway and are ambushing frequently. Whats the situation and is it safe for passage?" we asked. The diplomat only said "Its safer than what it has been, thats all Im allowed to say at this time." "But you are our Embassy and cant you give us more help? What route to take to by-pass the insecurity?" we asked "Its safer than what it used to be" he again replied and hung up :/ So we opted for a cargo boat up the Mekong River for two days and took our chances with the pirates!******************In Cambodia, we sat down to eat at Happy Herb Pizza and ordered a pepperoni pizza. The waitor asked if we wanted Happy, Happy Happy, or extra Happy. Puzzeled we stared and asked for one "Happy" and one "Happy Happy". When we noticed this greasy yet grassy pizza, some hippies in thier daze asked, "Hey dude, this is good $#!+". So yes, in my lifetime, I can say I have unfortunately consumed a Pepperoni and majiruana pizza!!!-------sat down all alone in a secluded garden in downtown Sydney and watched a tall man with dark shades and a long black coat with his hand holding his ear walk in..."what a weird 'matrix wanna be' I said to myself..."why is he looking in the bushes" I pondered...2 minutes later, he brings out a black brief case behind a plant and runs away!!!! "I coulda' been rich" I say, "I coulda' been rich!!!"------------Went to see the Vietnamese Military Station to inquire about security in the jungles near China for my mountain hike...wasn't a good idea! After much awkward questioning I said "no worries, Im ok...Thanks"...the captains reply "YOU go NO WHERE!" So for the next two hours military personnel were assigned to me as my escourt. I then had an upsetting meeting with the Captain and his "boys", and the poor Ol'lady who let me stay at her hotel. Poor lady just kept her head down and got a load of yelling and slamming fists :( she then looked to me and said..."they think you a spy". I was like, "Ohhhhh" But nothing happened and eventually everything settled and I went along my way.----Tear gased and shot by Riot Police in Madrid...only a rubber bullet :) It is what stupid americans get for celebrating Real Madrids Euro Cup!!!----hitch hiked on top of a soaked fish net through insurgent infested jungles----have car problems and resort to ask for water for the motor and only get the response..."we dont give water to white men!" Thus send Parker to hike for water :)-----delivered a mess of chickens deep in the bush, hit a hole, and fall on my arse! it really hurt bad!----watched my brother drink 50 bowls of high tide Kava and sang polynesian rituals with the local fijian villagers. could he walk...no, he crawled for 2 days!----spent 17 hours riding in a bus with our knees to our chest packed with 90 people instead of 45 with chickens & boxes beneath our feet and with "sleepy easy comfort zone" Chinamen drooling on my shirt or shoving a bare foot in my brothers snoring face :)
-----------Not me, but my good friend Elizabeth, a Catholic Missionary, had a warrant for her arrest in Asia and had to live in the jungles outside her village for 2 weeks while the military was sent out to find her.----Celebrate may 27th as international negotiation day where we negotiated our exist from Cambodia and our entry into Laos by hiding money from corrupt border police.-----Walked to my favourite restaurant and said "Wow, alot of 'army' trucks today". Walked in to have everyone go silent and turn around and look at only me. Opps, only military personnel allowed. but i was hungry and hadnt eaten all day so i asked the owner for Chicken with fried rice and he wispered to me, and i couldnt hear him :) and then he got it out to me to by yelling "LEAVE NOW!!!" :'(-----In Zambia, there were these Border Police that always gave us trouble so Jake and I decided to set Parker up with a joke...Bad mistake because they really gave Parker a really hard time and it turned serious and he almost get thrown in an african jail for declaring police corruption!----partied with friends late in the night until curfew and military police with their bully sticks/AK-47's impose the curfew!!-----had the opportunity to blow up cows with rocket launchers...HAD, but had a heart also :)-----made it from Gaborne, Botswana to Joburg in less than 2 hours during 5 o'clock traffic. went no slower than 160 km/hr and maxed to 240 km/hr frequently...yes, we just waived to the police with their speed guns :) we had to catch a plane and the look on the cops faces...priceless, thus much appreciation to Gontse and his accountants new Volvo!!!!----Finally, while sitting down in a cafe in Bangkok, my brother interupts with the words "$#*@%^*!$#"...he sees his ex-Peruvian girlfriend who he met in Sweden walking down the street!! After two years, she was married and on a honeymoon with his old Swedish roommate. How awesome!Yes, I dont know what else to say, but will continue to add interesting thoughts.Ciao,
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