About Me
I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4 I love to sleep in.. but unfortunately im a mixture of A and B person, and that means that i always stay up late, and wake up early.. I hate my hair. I always make lists but i never follow them(waste of time). If I only could drink one thing for the rest of my life i would be coffee, or whiskey'n' coke, can't choose.. i love the winter but i always long for spring.. I can hear the same song for weeks without getting tired. I always see movies 3 or 4 times. Am really bad at explaining things. I spent way to much money on things i don't need and never use. I have a general fear of amimals, because what if they bite or scatch me. I once had a fish named Line, and a bird named PIPPER. When i was younger my favourite colour PINK, now it's red. IM A FEMINIST! I have 3 younger brothers Aleksander, Oliver and Benjamin. I always buy the pink candyfloss(no food what so ever should be blue). I have lived 11 different places including LONDON. My best male friend is gay, and he always drags me into gayclubs. My first favouriet song was this deaht metal thing my onkel introduced me to(i learned headbanging at the age of 3). My mother had this thing for russian names with a danish way of spelling them, when me and my oldest brother was born. My have a skylight in my flat YEH. I love to cook, but i only really know how to make one dish. I love to sing really loud, when no one hears it. I hate spiders. My favourite crisp flavour is salt and vinegar, to bad that you can't buy them in Denmark. I think butterflys are pretty.. I love to dance.. I have 30 pairs of shoes, but none of them are practical. I had an imaginary sister before my first was born, and i coulden't get use to the thought of him being a boy, so i dressed him up like a girl. In London i learned, that you should let no one get in the way of your dreams and plans for the future, and that everyones dreams are differnt, because everyone is different, and we have no right to judge them. My favourite cities are London, Lisboa, Berlin. I love champagne. I believe that life is about taking chances. i love to hear the sound of rain on the window. I don't know what im gonna do with my life.. I love and long for the streets of london, just walking around looking at people, buildnings. I have the tendency to talk before i think.. I crave for chocolate all the time. The best decision i ever made, was when i decided to move to London, the worst was to move back to Denmark...