Name Wyatt Allen Wolfe Jr
D.O.B August 25th, 1982
Birthplace La Crosse, Wisconsin
Current location La Crosse, Wisconsin
Height 5 foot 7 inches
Eye color Hazel
Hair color Brown
Right or left hand Right Handed
Zodiac sign Virgo
Piercing Nun
Single/in love/crush on Single
Fear Being Rejected
Weakness Striking up converstion with Women I never met
Best physical feature Um, not sure, will have to ask around!
Overused phrase on IM LOL
Bedtime like 4 or 5 am
Most missed memory Hanging with my Friend Tony, who passed away during High School
Favorite color Blue
Favorite food Chicken Stackers
Favorite sports Racing
Favorite animal Cat
Have you ever been in love? Yup
Have you ever been heartbroken? Yup
Have you ever been cheated on? Nope
Have you cheated? Nope
Last person you talked to? Dad
Last person you hugged? Mom
Last person you kissed? wow, so many, lol, just kidding
Last person you smiled to? Brittany
Last time you cried? wow, long time
Last time you smiled? Couple nights ago
Last movie you saw? Saw 4
Who is your #1 on your myspace? Sister, Ashley
Why is that person on your #1 list? My sister, duh!
How do you know him/her? Sister
Do you like him/her? lol, yuppers
What do you like about this person? She is my sis, always there for me, and supports me!
Who is your best friend? Dad,Kurt, Dan, Gordo
How long did you know this person? All have different years, to much to type
Is this person still your best friend? Yuppers
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What's your name? Wyatt Wolfe Jr
Do you think your a good driver? Yuppers!
What's your car number? 60JR
What make of engine do you run? Chevy
What size of engine? 360
Have you ever purposly wrecked someone? Yup, all racers do, if u deny that, u aren't true racer!
If so, who? Oh couple retards in go-karting and in the Super Class at Tri Oval
How far have you drove to race? 16 hours, Tulso Oklahoma
What's the longest you've drove to WATCH a race? 8 hours
Have you ever rolled your car? Nope not a car, but a Go-Kart, yes!
Have you ever been hurt in a racecar? Nope
If so, what?
Where do you prefer to run? (top-bottom) Bottome, Wyatt "Cat Fish" Wolfe Jr
Do you like a tacky track or a slick track? Both
How long have you been racing? 18 years
Do you want your car on the loose side or tight? Virg of being tight!
How many mains have you won? Over 100 in go-kart, still chasing in Super Stock
Championships? 4
Do you work on your own car? Hell Yea, you not a true racer if u don't!
What kind of fire suit do you own? 2 Layer, 1 Piece Crow suit
Helmet? Impact Super Charger
Do you want to move up in racing? Yup, want a A-Mod so bad!
If so, what's your goal? A-Mod, USRA, USMTS, Wissota
If not, what do you see yourself doing in the future? Racing Supers
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