You're walking home late at night, it's like 430 am and you've maybe ahd a bit too much to drink and maybe you're a little over tired and it's been a long night and your listening to the music playing on your headphones and your mind is kinda on somehing else at the same time so you're not really able to fully concentrate on teh words the singer is saying but you're half listening and youre half thinking and all out of nowhere cars come by every once in a while and on one certain occasion one drives by and you look at the lady driving and youwonder 2why anyone would possibly be dricving at this time of night and you start to think about it more and more and you sort of see the ladies face in your head and realize how thin she wsa and how pale her skin was and how it sort of resembled a skeleton and you think about how in movies and halloween skeletons arent realy that scary but you start to think about seeing one in real life come past you at 430 in the mornign and you start to get rtelaly scared and you start to thinking more and more about the world around you and realize that you're on a dark stretch of street that's not lit very well and there's only one car in roughly every fifteen minutes of your walk and youstill have a lot of walk to go and you start to wish that you were on the main road but you took this smaller road cuaes it was faster to get to your house and you begin to look at the houses on the street and they all sort of look like haunted houses, you never notice so many arbors on houses in your life and the trees that you pass are all dimly lit from above by streetlights and look like creepy claymation reaching up into the sky with calloused up leathery twigs and it's the time of year when only some poepel have their Christmas lights up and the ones that do are the ones who've had them up all year because they're too lazy to change them so most of the bulbs are dimwitted and dull and they cast another strange light on the lawns of the street and aas those few cars pass by they sort of light up windows in cars parked on the side of the road and your'e not sure but you could swear that you saw shapes of figures sitting inside and your pulse starts to raise up for a second even more so than it alreayd is cuase you notice a h ouse with its windows wide open and you know at any moment someone is gonna come inot your view and you see shopping carts on the side of you and its at the mouth of an alley along the side of the road your walking and you dont want to, in fact its the last thing you want to do, but you know that you just cant help but look down the dark alley to the trucks and cars parked along side the gravel of these little offshoots and you're walking and you see a house that's compeltly dark and it scaress you and you see a house that's lit up and it scares you too and theres a homeless man in the parking lot fo a grocery and he's picking up bottles and you imagine him smiling at you wtih dirty scuffed up teeth and then you imagine him laughign becaseu you know it's the scariest thign you can imagine and you have to stop and turn off your headphones becuase you feel like the only thing you can do is listen and you think about phoning one of your friensd but its 430 in hte mornign and youre being compeletly irrational butyou're just so friggin scared of everythign around you, your shadown looms forward ahead of you as the street lamp goes behind you and yhou think about a shadow peering up into your vision from behind youa nd immedeitly you look backwards to see if anytihgns there and you know as soon as you face front again there will acutally be soenmthign there and a bicyclist pasts you and you wonder what they're doing up this late as well as all the cars, and the face of the byciclists is older and it reminds you of the first lady you saw who looked like a skeleton and how it started all of this and then you think about how you'll write allt his down when you get home but then you forget and you don't.
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Hogan knows best
in chicago, Hulk Hogan has his own reality tv show. This is why I'm never coming home. Here's what we've done so far.Spokane, Washington - stayed in a hotel room with my dad, woke up at Si... Posted by on Sun, 04 Jun 2006 09:00:00 GMT