Brian profile picture


Let's get this over with

About Me

After a lifetime of living in locales as exotic as Belgium and Alabama, I've settled in California, where I've spent the last four years. As it seems myspace is fast becoming mandatory for everyone under 40, I figured I should write some stuff here. Don't expect any pictures of me without my shirt on or links to slutty looking girls I've never actually met, though. Nor can you expect any self-promotion where I list tons of interesting sounding hobbies and then claim to be a "musician, artist, and scholar".What can you expect? A white-knuckled thrill-ride.** I haven't really updated my myspace page in....well, about four years, really. Sorry about that.

My Interests


According to the "Which Big Lebowski character are you?" quiz:

Why don't you check it out? Or we cut of your Johnson!


Ayn Rand ranks up wth my all time favorites. More recent favorites have been Usefull Idiots by Mona Charen, Black Hawk Down by Mark Bowden, and Peace Kills by PJ O'Rourke.
