Charles Bukowski, Jerimiah Johnson, Your mom, Woody Guthrie, Bob Dylan, William Blake, Mike Judge, The Troma Crew, Bertolt Brecht, Werner Fassibinder, Jean-luc Godard, Frederico Fellini, Jim Jarmusch, Kinji Fukasaku, Seijun Suzuki, Hayao Miyazaki, Katsuhiro Otomo, Shion Sono, Akira Kurosawa, Sonny Chiba, Pushead, Magritte, Robert Willaims, Twist, Krs one, David Foster Wallace, Howard Zinn, Thomas Pynchon, a noble savage, Running Bear, Geronimo, the fuckin' Golden Girls.
Seals and Croft, Neal Diamond, Michael Bolton, Boyz II Men, George Michael, George Straight, Jefferson Starship, Ja-rule, the Osmonds, Captain & Tennille, that sedaka guy, Olivia Newton John, Yanni, Streisand, Amy Grant, K.c. and Jojo with the sunshine band, Analcunt, Stryper, Petra, Everything but the Girl, Pet Shop Boys, Hoobastank, My Chemical Romance, Ashley Simpson, Jessica Simpson, Maggie Simpson (that pacifier squeek gets me going), Pat Boone, Wesley Willis, Bon Jovi, Celtic Frost, T.L.C., E.t.c......
My Life as a Dog, Laserblast, The Warriors, Brazil, Takashi Miike, Battle Royale, Suicide Club, Julian Donkey Boy, Palindromes, Fritz Lang, The Marraige of Maria Brun, Stacy and pretty much anything else about zombies, The Goonies, Hook, The Tin Drum, Seven Samurai, Akira, Deathrace 2000, Deathsport, other classic Carradine's, the Silent Night Deadly Night series, The Ghoulies, Spirited Away, Casshern, VS, Mad Max, Running Man, Commando, The Holy Mountain, Roller Ball (the original), Blade Runner, Legend, Rad, Videodrome and most Cronenberg, Goodbye Lenin, the porno i saw your sister in, the porno i saw your mom in, Afterhours, Spinal Tap, Schizopolis, Bill and Ted, Smokey and the Bandit, Slacker, Time Bandits, Take the Money and Run, Annie Hall, Taxi Driver, Beastmaster, Blackula, Gate of Flesh, Robin Hood, I'm Gonna Get You Sucka, Robot Jox, Home Alone, Werner Herzog, Dead Man, Toxic Avenger....
look like squares
Mr. Nagasawa himself. how you like 3 rensho?