This one is always hard for me to fill out because I've been trying to expose myself to more music and different kinds of music.For now I'll just say Incubus, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Beetles, Maná; Lauridsen, Copland, Gershwin, John Williams. I'm trying to listen more to: Radiohead; Philip Glass, John Adams
Miracle, Batman Begins, Star Wars (older ones are better, but I'll watch them all), Big Daddy, The Pursuit of Happyness, A Beautiful Mind
Don't get to watch it too often, but I'll watch South Park, Scrubs, The Simpsons, Family Guy, House, Smallville
Harry Potter series, Angels and Demons, The Da Vinci Code, Farenheit 451. I haven't finished reading Catch-22
Batman; people who work hard and are good for the sake of being good, not to find praise.