PeIyUn profile picture


YoZ! WeLcOmE!

About Me

SiMpLe LoOk Lor,EaSyGoInG,EnJoy SpOrTs,ShOrT HaIr,HoPe To MakE ManY FriEnDz,I ThInk I CaN Be VeRy AcTiVe In SoMeThIng I LiKe LoR,SoMe PeOpLe MaY C e "pLaYfUl" sIgHt Of Me BuT SoMe MaY FiNd Me VeRy "GuAi" LoR.HaHa^FuNnY RiTe? Oh Ya, I DiSliKe aRroGaNt PeOpLe,PeOpLe WhO SmOke Etc...

My Interests

Window shopping, playing pc&ps, cycling, listening to music, volleyball, chatting, daydreaming, chit-chatting

I'd like to meet:

WaNnA MeEt SoMeOnE WhO ReaLly CaRe 4 Mi,HaViNg SaMe InTeReSt As Mi,UnDeRStaNd Me WeLL,ApPrEcIaTe Me,DuN MiNd AbT My BaD PoInTs & HaBiTs Etc.....


Songs by Sun Yan Zi,Zhou Jie Lun, Ocean Ou De Yang


I like chinese story book ( ai4 qin2 xiao3 shou1)