Ian has performed his poetic, choreographic, and theatric material in many venues: Artists-At-Large, Inc. , AS220 , Bowery Poetry Club , Casa Nia , Club Passim , Evos Arts Institute, Green Street Studios, Mobius Art Space, Puppet Showplace Theatre , Revolving Musem , Warwick Museum of Art , and the Zeitgeist Gallery . In addition, he has performed with Bread & Puppet Theater (about which he has blogged extensively here ), i Sebastiani , and the Dresden Dolls' Brigade.
His poetry has appeared in Out of the Blue Writers Unite edited by Timothy Gager and Deborah M. Priestly (Crooked River Press, 2003) Tokens: Contemporary Poetry of the Subway edited by Peggy Garrison and David Quintavalle (P&Q Press, 2003) Becoming Fire ( Andover Newton Publications , 2006) and has work forthcoming in Crude: Poems at the End of the Age of Oil ( Pudding House Publications ) and in such magazines as Boom! For Real , Crooked River Press, Flash!Point, Ibbetson Street Press , Poesy . His work also appeared as part of an installation during the 2003 Boston CyberArts Festival.
He also served as a mime instructor at Brookline Community Center for the Arts and Open Air Circus .
Ian also appears in the film, Circuit , currently in production, and recently played the role of a foppish highschool classics teacher in The Adventures of CMYK .
SomerVaudeVille -- Ian Thal
May 28, 2008: SomerVaudeVille @ Johnny D's, Somerville, MA
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Aggravation of Prometheus
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Have you heard the story about the event promoter who advertises a reluctant artist with the full expectation that it will force the artist to perform at an event, even after the artist says, "no?" No? With the internet and just a little bit of insanity, anything is possible!