The main ingredients in beer are water, malt, hops and yeast. Our water comes from a pure Artesian spring that runs deep beneath the ground. The malt is barley that has undergone the three processes of malting (steeping, drying and roasting). The barley is steeped in water for about two to three days until it sprouts, or germinates. It is then spread into large, flat pans and heated. The heat source stops the germination by drying the barley. After the barley is completely dried it enters the roasting phase.How long you roast the barley depends on the type of beer you want. A lightly roasted malt makes a lighter style beer, and a black or burnt malt makes a darker beer, such as Shiner Bock.Another important ingredient in beer is hops. Hops grow at the end of a vine in a cluster of flowers. Each flower is small and looks like a pine cone; it has one leaf stacked upon another, stacked upon another, and so on. The actual extract from the flower is the hops. Hops give beer individuality, through bitterness and aroma. Hops is also a natural preservative. Prior to the advent of refrigeration, brewers would brew a highly hopped beer so that it would last longer (not that Shiner beer stayed around very long.)
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My fellow Czech's (yac to viste), German's and American's